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News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
Standardized patients – people trained to portray a particular illness or medical condition – are needed to help educate students in the Northeast Ohio Medical University-Cleveland State University Partnership for Urban Health.
The interaction is recorded and reviewed to evaluate students’ skills in a variety of areas, including medical interviewing, physical exams, disease diagnosis and interpersonal communication.
The Sefer Kav HaYashar (Chapter 92) poses the question: If the Yomim Tovim of Pesach and Sukkos span seven days, why is it that Shavuos, over which there is so much to celebrate, is observed for only one day?
The Sefer brings an answer, “Ahl Pi Kabala (according to the Hidden Torah)”, that Shavuos is rooted in Hashem’s oneness, and that our oneness as a “Goy Echad Ba’Aretz (One Nation in the Land)” then stems from Hashem’s oneness, all of which is symbolized by the oneness of Shavuos.
(Hakhel) HaRav Binyomin Forst, Shlita, in The Halachos of Brachos (Artscroll) writes that the bracha on cheesecake with a crust added for flavor “as is generally the case” is a Borei Minei Mezonos. However, if the crust is added solely to hold the cheese, then the bracha on the cheesecake is Shehakol.
HaRav Yisroel Pinchos Bodner, Shlita in The Laws of Brochos (Feldheim) writes that if the cheesecake is made with a thin layer of dough which is being used merely to enhance the appearance of the cake, then the bracha is Shehakol.
However, if the dough is being used for substance or flavor, the bracha is Borei Minei Mezonos. The after-bracha on cheesecake will usually be Borei Nefashos and not Al HaMichya, as one can eat a kezayis combination of cheese and flour within a kedai achilas peras of three minutes, but it is unlikely that one will consume a kezayis of Mezonos within the three minute span. In sum, on cheesecake, one bracha rishona is recited, which may likely be a Shehakol, but even if a Borei Minei Mezonos is recited, the bracha achrona will in ordinary circumstances be a Borei Nefashos! If you are in doubt as to the appropriate brachos on the cheesecake you will be consuming—why not bring two to your Rav—one for the Shaila—and one to him for Shavuos!
Note: A reader (Hakhel) wrote that if the cheesecake crust is made not from mezonos but from corn flakes, the bracha would still be Shehakol, as the corn flakes would be considered tofel to the ikar, which is the cheese cake. This appears correct, but if one has this issue, he should consult with his Rav to confirm—especially if the corn flakes are there because he especially enjoys their taste.
(Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff –
Because this article explains some basics of how Torah is taught by Chazal, I think it is appropriate to the week of Shavuos.
Question #1: Pie r squared
Yanki is supposed to be watching his weight and therefore needs to figure out how many calories are in the pie he beholds. To figure out how big the pie is, he measures the diameter of the pie, and divides it in half to get the length of its radius. He then multiplies the length of the radius by itself to get “r squared,” and multiplies the result by three so that he knows the area of the pie’s surface. Is there anything wrong with his calculation?
Take-charge, but personable and friendly secretary needed for local Orthodox synagogue. Must have good people skills, excellent computer and administrative abilities. Knowledge of Jewish traditions, religious services and celebrations needed. Approximately 30 hrs. per week. Salary negotiable. Email resume to:
Mosdos Ohr Hatorah Boys Division is seeking General Studies teachers for the 2014-2015 school year. Resumes requested only from applicants with a Bachelor’s Degree and/or a non-tax license. Please email resume to or fax (216) 382 4585. You may also leave a message for Mrs. Freund at (216) 382-6248 ext 110
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Camp Chabad is pleased to announce The Summer of 2014 – 5774. June 23 – Aug. 15. Monday thru Friday, 9:30 AM til 3:30 PM. A limited amount of partial scholarships are available to qualifying participants. Please contact Jill Weiszner for available Job Opportunities @ or text 216 402 4877. Click here to download a sign-up form>>
Perhaps you missed the video or want to watch it again – an update on “The Vision Takes Root” and a tribute to Rabbi Shlomo Eisenberger, shlita. Click here or the image below >>
The Shavuos Issue of the Torah Linelines weekly divrei Torah sheet can be download here >>. To receive the weekly Lifelines by e-mail, please send your request to with a subject line of SUBSCRIBE.
Now in its 19th year, the Torah L.I.F.E. Institute (Learning Is For Everyone) continues to serve as the Cleveland Heights Torah nerve center. Under the direction of the esteemed Rosh Kollel, HaRav Baruch Hirschfeld, shlit”a, the Kollel functions from 6 a.m. until well past midnight.
Do you need a chavrusa? Contact Rabbi Reuven Gerson at 216-371-5908.
Camp Chabad is pleased to announce The Summer of 2014 – 5774. June 23 – Aug. 15. Monday thru Friday, 9:30 AM til 3:30 PM. A limited amount of partial scholarships are available to qualifying participants. Please contact Jill Weiszner for available Job Opportunities @ or text 216 402 4877. Click here to download a sign-up form>>