Torah Life May Raffle – $750 Gift Card
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Jason Stein the winners of Marchs raffle!
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Baruch Chaim Manies the winners of Aprils raffle!
This month’s raffle will be for a $750 gift certificate to The Buzz!
Shabbat: Day of Rest or Junk Food Fest?
Summer Social Skills Groups for Students Finishing Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade
Yom Tov Is Over Time To Take Care of Yourself! Makeup By Design
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – Shavuos: Understanding Our Role As Jewish Women
Pos’tiv Produce – Romaine Lettuce
Daily Teleconference With Rabbi Charlop Restarting
Rabbi Charlop will be giving a 5-minute Mussar phone conference to restart Monday, May 16th. Time: 12:55-1:00. On Perkei Avos. To dial in please call 712-432-0265– code 660081- PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE. If you would like a daily text reminder please text 216-276-9212
Machsom L’Fi and Shabbas Shsikah
The community is organizing a Machsom L’Fi (period of either no talking, or of very careful speech, certainly refraining from lashon harah) this week along with a Shabbos Shsikah (Shabbos of careful speech, and refraining from talking during davening) in the merit of the speedy recovery of Yona Menucha bas Leah Chana (Adler).
People are encouraged to sign up for as many time slots as possible to try to have as complete a schedule as possible for the Machsom L’Fi. 3 ways to sign up 1) Online spreadsheet – just fill in the slot time and name at this link 2) Email 3) Text 216-701-3492 (write Machsom L’fi first in text). Please write the time(s) that you would like to select beginning now and going up until this Shabbos. Blocks of time can be as short as 15 min or several hours long. Slots in the middle of the night can be chosen if you plan to be up (sorry not on the online schedule). For now, it is okay if there are overlaps in time. Once we have the online schedule, time slots requested by email or text will be added.
Look for fliers soon with details on the Shabbos Shsikah.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller in Cleveland – “Achieving Balance: G-d, Family, & Work”
House for Sale – 4297 University Parkway, University Heights
Two Programs with Tova Klein – The Laura & Alvin Siegal Lifelong Learning Center
Camp Yaldoseinu is here!
Camp Kayitz
Simcha Day Camp
Mika’s – Mothers Day Specials
Camp KidZone
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Peter Bressler, father of Alyssa Levi. The funeral will be on Tuesday, May 6, at 10:00 am, graveside at Mt. Sinai Cemetery, SOM Center Rd. Shiva will be at the Levi home, 2580 Buckhurst Dr., Beachwood until Monday morning.
Shiva hours are as follows:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday: 10:00 am to 11:30 am and 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm [Read more…]
Alberto Photography
Camp Busy- Bees
Help Wanted: Listing Enhancement Assistant
Immediate opening for a part-time position as a Listing Enhancement Assistant. Responsibilities include placing daily craigslist ads, placing yard signs on properties throughout the greater Cleveland area, photographing properties, managing keys and lock boxes, tenant interaction, etc. Eastside location. Up to 20 hours a week depending on the week.
The ideal candidate will have their own transportation, a clean driving record, excellent communication skills, excellent computer skills, and be a TEAM PLAYER!
[Read more…]
Spring into Style at Head Shoulders Toes & Bows
Supporting Our Husbands Who Are Working
MileFlights – Lowest Rates Between Cleveland & Philadelphia (near Lakewood) & Miami
Pos’tiv Greenhouse Grown Produce Now Available in Cleveland
Pos’tiv produce under the direction of world renowned expert Reb Moshe Vaya shlit”a of Yerushalaim, Rabbi Asher Eckstein Shlit”a, Reb Yehoshua Katz, The Magrover Rav Shlit”a, as well as the OU, it is the first, and remain the only company to strictly use greenhouse produce for all of our products allowing the consumer to enjoy without checking and washing. Now available in Cleveland!!
Place your order now! Orders accepted through May 6th. Lettuce will arrive by next Friday, May 9th.
Cloud 9 Maternity Sale
The Bankrupt Borrower
This week’s parsha includes details about being honest in our business dealings. Is declaring bankruptcy to absolve one of one’s debts, considered honest according to halachah?
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff (
Mr. Gomel Chessed shares with his rav, Rav Chacham, the following predicament: “I loaned someone money, and I did not hassle him for payment when he told me that things were tough. Recently, I contacted him to ask if he is in any position to pay back. He replied that he was forced into bankruptcy and thereby absolved all his debts. Does he, indeed, no longer owe me for the loan?”
Cleveland Heights House for Sale OR FOR RENT – Shannon Road
How to Promote Positive Social Skills In Your Child With Learning Differences
Annual Community Cemetery Clean-up 2014
(Jewish Federation of Cleveland)
Volunteers are needed for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Spring Cemetery Cleanup on Sunday, May 18 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Lansing Cemetery, 3933 E. 57th Street, Cleveland. All ages are welcome to participate in this community-wide event, rain or shine.
Past Cemetery Cleanup events have attracted hundreds of people across generations and denominations. Preserving cemeteries is considered one of the most righteous acts of chesed (kindness); there is no greater mitzvah than honoring those that came before us.