There will be Dor Yesharim (confidential genetic) testing in Cleveland on Sunday, May 11th for boys and girls. Please contact Mrs. Surti Barkin for details – (216) 932-9951.
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
There will be Dor Yesharim (confidential genetic) testing in Cleveland on Sunday, May 11th for boys and girls. Please contact Mrs. Surti Barkin for details – (216) 932-9951.
(This was for Sunday night)
On behalf of Yonah Menucha bas Leah Chana (Adler) for a refuah shelaymah at the home of Chanie Kleinman, 3807 Bendemeer Road TONIGHT, Sunday at 8:30PM – May 4th, 2014.
Pos’tiv produce under the direction of world renowned expert Reb Moshe Vaya shlit”a of Yerushalaim, Rabbi Asher Eckstein Shlit”a, Reb Yehoshua Katz, The Magrover Rav Shlit”a, as well as the OU, it is the first, and remain the only company to strictly use greenhouse produce for all of our products allowing the consumer to enjoy without checking and washing. Now available in Cleveland!!
Place your order now! Orders accepted through May 6th. Lettuce will arrive by next Friday, May 9th.
For a complete list of my endorsements, voters can visit my website at Since this is a primary election, only voters who elect to take a Democratic ballot will be able to vote for me. Also please note that while people still call me Frankie Goldberg, to avoid voter confusion regarding gender my name will appear as Francine Goldberg on the ballot.
Local Shomer Shabbos business looking for an administrative assistant in a small office. Full-time hours with some flexibility. Strong computer skills (Microsoft Office, etc. ) are a must. Send resume and information to .
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
(Cleveland Jewish News)
The days just before Passover can be stressful for Jewish families traveling with children, as places that sell kosher food are difficult to find.
So a group of Orthodox men from Greater Cleveland organized the first Kosher on the Road event April 13. It was a barbecue at a rest stop off Interstate 80 in Loganton, Pa. – about a four-hour drive from Cleveland ¬– for Jews traveling to and from the Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago areas.
This is a very short ballot no matter which ballot you select. As this is a primary and most candidates are running unopposed in their own parties, the run –off election in November will be much longer than this one. However, short does not mean unimportant. Politicians know who votes and communities who vote count. [Read more…]
N’Shei Agudas Yisroel Shabbos Shiur: This Shabbos, Parshas Emor, May 3, Rabbi Raphael Gelley will be speaking on the topic “You Don’t Have to Win”, at 5:15 PM in the Agudah Building.
Pos’tiv produce under the direction of world renowned expert Reb Moshe Vaya shlit”a of Yerushalaim, Rabbi Asher Eckstein Shlit”a, Reb Yehoshua Katz, The Magrover Rav Shlit”a, as well as the OU, it is the first, and remain the only company to strictly use greenhouse produce for all of our products allowing the consumer to enjoy without checking and washing. Now available in Cleveland!!
Place your order now! Orders accepted through May 6th. Lettuce will arrive by next Friday, May 9th.
(This great deal is back! Last time it only lasted a few days so grab this while you can.)
Ever since Trader Joe’s stopped producing their famous pareve chocolate chips, life has not been the same for kosher pareve chocolate chip lovers. One of the excellent contenders is the Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips sold at Whole Foods and Heinen’s. They taste great and happen to be “healthier” and allergen-friendly and also have almost 5/5 rating on Amazon from over 200 people. Instead of their usual price which can be as much as $5 per bag, Amazon is selling a pack of 6 10 oz bags for just $19.62 or just $3.27 per bag!
We look forward to welcoming you to one of our largest fundraisers of the year on Sunday May 11 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
As in previous years, most books, including a wide selection of seforim, childrens, fiction and non-fiction secular books will be priced at $2.00 or less!
The location continues to be at Heights Jewish Center Synagogue, 14270 Cedar Road, at the corner of Cedar and Wrenford, in University Heights. There is ample free parking in the back.
For more information, please contact us at 216-501-0625 or e-mail Web Site >>
Three great series to take you through the seven weeks of the omer:
Growing through the Omer, Counting the Omer and Refining Character for Divine Marriage
All classes are accessible from the home page of Becoming Divine.
For a complete list of my endorsements, voters can visit my website at Since this is a primary election, only voters who elect to take a Democratic ballot will be able to vote for me. Also please note that while people still call me Frankie Goldberg, to avoid voter confusion regarding gender my name will appear as Francine Goldberg on the ballot.
The Agnon School, Jewish community day school in Beachwood, OH is seeking a full time intervention specialist to work with students in grades K-8. The Agnon School is a Jewish community day school. We will be celebrating our forty-fifth anniversary next year and are known for excellence in education.
Our staff is dedicated to our student and parent community. We offer an excellent teaching environment.
A-Z Plumbing is looking for a secretary for our busy office. Duties include answering phones, filing and light bookkeeping. Full time is preferred but shorter hours would be considered. Proficiency in Microsoft Word & Excel is necessary. Please send a résumé to or call 216-320-4000 for more information.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
You’re invited to Yom Hazikaron: a special day of remembrance for those who lost their lives protecting the state of Israel.
Observe together in Hebrew and English to remember victims of war and terrorism. Join members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to salute fallen comrades, and hear the powerful, personal story of an American family whose son currently serves in the IDF.
We hope you’ll join us for an evening of unity, prayer, and remembrance.
Backpacks and large purses are prohibited. [Read more…]
Thursday, May 8, 8:00 p.m., Cleveland, OH.
Yavneh High School, 2475 S. Green Road, Beachwood, OH. “Achieving Balance: G–d, Family and Work”.