Hakhel provides an excellent Erev Pesach checklist for 5774 to make sure that you have not forgotten anything. Click here >>
Pirchei Boys Ice Skating Erev Shabbos CH”M
New Ways to Donate Your Chometz This Year
We’ll be collecting chometz donations through 9am Erev Pesach (Telshe day before). Additional drop-offs at Heights Jewish Center and Telshe Yeshiva.
Abby’s Soups & Salads – Are Back!!
Abby’s Soups & Salads are back!
A daily varity of fresh soups and salads are now available at Tibor’s.
Thank you for your continued support.
Work Wanted
Hard working, creative, industrious, motivated person is looking for a job. Preferably working from 2-6 every day to allow me to learn first seder. Thanks, Avi Cohen. I can be reached either by email – sublime613@gmail.com or by phone number – 216-403-8095.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Motzei Pesach Special Hours at Heinen’s & Other Stores
Heinens at Cedar & Green will be open on Motzei Yom Tov, Tuesday, April 22, from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. for the convenience of the Jewish community along with other kosher establishments (Unger’s, The Bagel Shoppe, Lax & Mandel, Issi’s, and others- unconfirmed).
Don’t forget to refer to Cleveland Kosher’s Guidelines for purchasing chometz after Pesach and list of recommended stores.
Pirchei Shabbos HaGadol – Cleveland Heights
Satmar- Monroe Shmurah Matzoh Half Off
A case of Satmar- Monroe Shmurah Matzoh destined for L0ndon accidentally ended up on the truck shipping Rav Blum’s matzos to Cleveland. As a favor to London, these matzos will be selling in Cleveland at half-off so that they can at least retrieve some of their losses. $10/ lb. while supplies last. Call Shloimy Modes 24 hrs. @ 216-397-9495 and leave a message and the matzos will be reserved in the order of messages received. We will call you back to arrange a pick-up time. In addition there are still several pounds of Pupa / Tzailem Matzos available.
Head Shoulders Toes & Bows Hours Through Sunday
5 Free Uber Rides in Cleveland
Uber is whole new form of care service that uses a database of drivers using private cars who are connected to a smart computer system that connects riders to the closest drivers. It is supposed to be quicker, easier, and cheaper than traditional taxicab services. Uber is now in Cleveland and DansDeals.com has the latest on a deal offering 5 free rides (through April 23rd) and a $20 credit to kick off its entry into the Cleveland market. This may be useful for picking up relatives from the airport or getting around town.
Community Wide Biyur Chometz – Agudas Yisroel and Chaverim
Green Road Catering Presents Pre-Pesach (Almost) All You Can Eat Buffet
Sunday Playgroup & Pre-Pesach Playgroup with Morah Dina Rossio
Marle Boutique – Special Pre-Yom Tov Hours April 6th – 10th
Car Cleaning Service for Pesach
Dan Kirkler, the janitor for Heights Jewish Center is offering to clean anyone’s vehicle, no matter how dirty, for Pesach. He promises to do a very thorough job, not leaving more than a speck of chometz or debris. Cars $25, vans $30.
Many members of HJC have used his services, including the Rav of the shul.
Available from now until before Pesach. Please call first to schedule. Dan, 216-324-7958. You will need to bring your car to the HJC parking lot for cleaning.
Chef Dave’s Catering Pesach
Last-Minute Shopping at Head Shoulders Toes & Bows
Special Pre-Pesach Garbage Pickup for Cleveland Heights
Cleveland Heights will have a special pre-Pesach garbage pick-up Monday, April 14th Erev Pesach. A special “Yosher Koach” (THANK YOU) to our community member Chaya Wolf for arranging this special pick up for our community.
Please take the time to express your Hakoras Ha’Tov (APPRECIATION) to
Vice City Manager, Susanna Niermann O’Neil – snoneil@clvhts.com
Chag Kasher V’Sameach From the Entire Staff at Unger’s Bakery
Shannon Rd Ice Cream Available Now Through Shabbos Hagadol
Gymnastic Lessons!!
Malke Kaplovitz Playgroup 27th Year – New Hours
Zumba with Rozita! New Time Wednesdays 7:45 – 8:45PM
Marle Boutique – Special Pre-Yom Tov Hours April 6th – 10th
Makeup by Design – Don’t miss out! Kosher l’Pesach Great Spring Collection!
How to Promote Positive Social Skills In Your Child With Learning Differences
The Uniform Exchange – Cleaning for Pesach?
Help Wanted: Payroll Clerk
Spring Has Finally Sprung After a winter that kept giving, NOW is the time To think about your Yard Needs
Give us a Call For Weekly Cutting, Cleanups, Monthly Maintenance, Mulching, Planting, Irrigation Systems, Tuck Pointing.
49 Years Serving the Heights Community
Marc Weinberger – Hrdwrkn Properties