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2nd Holiday Boutique – Sherel’s Hats & On the Table at GRS
Sheloshim & Kiddush for Mrs. Sally Horwitz, obm
Dr. Leonard and Marilyn Horwitz and family would like to thank all those who participated in Mishnayos study for his mother, Sally Horwitz, Miriam Sarah bas Arye Leib, OB”M, whose shloshim is Friday March 21. There will be a kiddush at Young Israel HAC this Shabbos March 22 with a siyum for those sedarim which were completed.
Morah Nechama’s Playgroup
Want Your Marriage to Be EVEN BETTER?
Lee Bachman – State Farm Insurance, University Heights
Special Hand – Made Shemurah Matzah Baked By HaRav Blum Shlita of Cleveland Hts
Order hand – made round Shemurah Matzah (Pupa / Tzailem of New York) baked for the Cleveland community by our very own HaRav Yehudah Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim Shul in Cleveland Hts.
This thin and delicious Shemurah Matzah is baked fresh shortly before Pesach and is available at a greatly discounted price for our community only.
Place your order by calling Shloimy Modes @ 216.397.9495
Don’t Forget to Keep Increasing Your Simcha!
(Hakhel) Now that we are in the second half of the month of Adar, is Chazal’s teaching of Mishe Nichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha in the same force and effect as it was prior to Purim? Rashi (Ta’anis 29A) explains that the reason we increase our Simcha in Adar is because: “Yemei Nissim HaYu LeYisrael Purim U’Pesach–these are days of miracles for K’lal Yisrael–Purim and Pesach.” HaRav Chaim Friedlander, Z’tl, explains that the Mitzvah of Simcha continues all-the-way through Pesach because the common thread and theme is one of Nissim that Hashem performs on our behalf, and the Geulah that results.
Chef Dave’s Catering Pesach – Save 5%
Seforim Fund in Memory of R’ Yisroel Meir Lefkowitz, z”l
B’Seder 2! A Pre-Pesach Mail-In Chinese Auction from the Cedar Green Community Kollel
STAR-S Passover Kitniyot Selection Grows Again This Year
(This is a press release from the Star-K but contains much newsworthy interesting information for Sefardim and Ashkenazim interested in the process of certifying kitniyot for Pesach use in America)
(By Judah Levi) When the major American Kashrut agencies were developing, the Sephardic communities were not well-represented in American Jewish communal life. Over the last 30 years, Baruch Hashem, American Yeshivot have been filled with many of the best and brightest boys of our communities. In addition to Syrian and Morrocan boys studying at the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn, many Persian boys studied in Ner Yisrael in Baltimore, MD where the President, Rabbi Herman N. Neuberger, ZT”L, was instrumental in helping tens of thousands of Jews escape after the Shah’s fall in 1979.
Help Wanted: Receptionist for Orthodontic Office
IMMEDIATE OPENING: Lundner Orthodontics in Concord, OH, seeks dynamic receptionist.
REQUIREMENTS INCLUDE: strong computer proficiency, reliable work ethic, winning personality, very strong customer service, phone, and marketing skills, and a team player attitude. You must be able to multi-task and work closely as part of a team. Being detail oriented is essential to the position. Ability to handle insurance billing is also a major plus but not required. This is a long-term position and is not intended for those looking for short-term employment.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Rosen & Company Upcoming Auctions
Visit for more details and other upcoming auctions.
2nd Holiday Boutique – Sherel’s Hats & On the Table at GRS
Green Road Catering Passover Menu 2014
Blums’s Party Goods- 2 Reasons Why Washing Dishes for Pesach Just Got Easier
Swimming Lessons For Boys!!
All male instructors & life guard. Sunday afternoons at the YMCA. Starts April 27th. Sign- up Deadline – March 24th. Click Here for Application (Contains more details) . Disregard deadline on application.
NCSY TVN – Cleaning for Pesach?
Morah Chanie’s Playgroup
Lee Bachman – State Farm Insurance, University Heights
Frontier Airlines adding nonstops from Cleveland to Seattle, Orlando
(Plain Dealer) Frontier Airlines, which ushered in a new nonstop from Cleveland to Trenton, N.J., Thursday, had even more expansion news for Northeast Ohioans.
The budget carrier announced it will be adding nonstop year-round service out of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport to Orlando, Fla., and seasonal nonstops to Seattle.
“With the launch of service to Trenton-Mercer Airport today and the addition of these two routes in June, Northeast Ohioans now have an ultra-low fare option to get to both the East and West Coast with Frontier,” airline Senior Vice President Daniel Shurz said in a statement.
Full Story >>
Rosen & Company Upcoming Auctions
Visit for more details and other upcoming auctions.
Rabbi Falk’s Oz Vehadar at Subsidized Price
At the recent Bikur Cholim dinner Rabbi Hirschfeld shlit”a encouraged the daily learning of Rabbi Falk’s “Oz Vehadar Levushah, Modesty: An Adornment for Life” on tzniyus for man and women as a zechus for yeshuos in our community. Many people have signed up and purchased the sefer. There are still a limited amount of subsidized copies available, l’iluy nishmas Ahuva bas Avrohom Silver a”h. The cost for the 2-volume set is $20 (regularly $32.99). If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer contact Rabbi Gross at
2nd Holiday Boutique – Sherel’s Hats & On the Table at GRS
Mika’s Pre-Passover Specials
Avi Kupfer, CPA – Taxes By A CPA With Reasonable Rates
Green Road Catering Passover Menu 2014
Agudath Israel of America Makes Presentation on Halachic Living Wills in Columbus (Video)
(Rabbi Yitz Frank, Ohio Director) The annual dinner of the Columbus Chevra Kadisha – Burial Society this past Sunday featured an important panel discussion arranged by Agudath Israel of America. More than 75 people gathered to hear the expert panel discuss the topic of “Halachic Living Wills: Why every person needs one.”
The panel featured Rabbi A. D. Motzen, national director of state relations for Agudath Israel of America, Dr. Jay Bernstein, MD, MPH, FACEP, an experienced emergency room physician in Cincinnati, and a video presentation by Harry M. Brown, Esq., partner at Benesch Law, longtime Agudath Israel board member, and the drafter of Agudah’s Ohio form. The panel was moderated by Rabbi Chaim Yosef Ackerman of Ahavas Sholom Congregation.