HAC Kollel Dvar Halachos for Purim 5774
Green Road Catering Passover Menu 2014
The Whys and Wherefores of Zachor By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
(Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff – RabbiKaganoff.com)
Question #1: Homebound
“As a mother of several small children, it is not easy for me to go out on Shabbos to hear Parshas Zachor. Am I required to do so?”
Question #2: Outreaching in the Afternoon
“At the outreach program that I run, many of our students do not arrive for Shabbos until the afternoon. Should we have a second Parshas Zachor reading for them?”
Question #3: Reading without a Brochah
“Why is no brochah recited on Parshas Zachor at a women’s reading?”
Blums’s Party Goods- 2 Reasons Why Washing Dishes for Pesach Just Got Easier
Congregation Shomre Shabbos Purim Day Pony Rides
Morah Nechama’s Playgroup
Unger’s Simchas Purim – Shalach Monos Gift Baskets $15 and Up
Purim Family Fun at YIGC
Swimming Lessons For Boys!!
All male instructors & life guard. Sunday afternoons at the YMCA. Starts April 27th. Sign- up Deadline – March 24th. Click Here for Application (Contains more details) . Disregard deadline on application.
Lee Bachman – State Farm Insurance, University Heights
Zumba with Rozita! New Time Wednesdays 7:45 – 8:45PM
ShainDee Cosmetics Shabbos & Yom Tov Makeup at Mika’s
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – Identifying With Queen Esther and the Purim Story
Phillip Fine, Attorney at Law – “I will fight for YOU!”
Matan B’Sayser Presents Purim Day Pony Rides and Balloon Man
We Keep the Shabbos and the Shabbos Keeps Us …
Local Blogger Dan’s Deals shares with us an amazing story of a non-observant Jew who working with an observant travel agent seeks to travel to China on Shabbos on business. It turns out that the fateful Malaysian Airlines 370 would have been his flight, but thanks to the observant travel agent gently suggesting that he did not feel comfortable booking another Jew on a flight on Shabbos, this man is alive to tell the details. Click this link to read the whole story told in the form of emails from one party to another.
Purim Concert With LYD Orchestra at Menorah Park
The Directory is GOING TO PRINT!!
Purim Family Fun at YIGC
Megillah Readings 2014 – UPDATED
10:15 pm – Young Israel – Stone (Beachwood)
Megillah Schedule – Sunday, March 16, 2014, Purim Day
9:55 am – (with Shacharis) – Shomre Shabbos
Minchah – Purim afternoon:
2:00 pm – Beachwood Kehilla
3:00 pm – Young Israel – HAC (Cleveland Heights)
Maariv – Motzi Purim
8:15 pm – Beachwood Kehilla
In My Humble Opinion – Mrs. Sara Brejt – Advice for Handling Purim Stress
Dear Mrs. Brejt – I find Purim a very challenging day. Despite doing as much as possible in advance (mishloach manos and most of the cooking for the seudah), every year I end up exhausted and stressed on Purim. Instead of davening like I would like to, I end up feeling so stressed and even resentful. I would love any advice you could give me on how to have a better experience!
Chef Dave’s Catering Pesach – Save 5%
Chef Dave’s Catering Purim Seudah All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner
Congregation Shomre Shabbos Purim Day Pony Rides
Rabbi Twerski – Excessive Drinking On Purim Is An Aveirah, Not a Mitzvah!
(Reader submitted this article for sharing)
By: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D
In the Talmud, there are differing opinions on some halachos, and we must conduct ourselves according to the rulings of the poskim. For example, R’ Yosi Hagelili believe that the issur of meat and milk does not apply to fowl, but the psak halachah is otherwise. Anyone who eats butter-fried chicken is a treifniak.
After the early poskim there were the later ones, and because they were in the position to weigh all the earlier opinions, we follow their psak, which is essentially in the Shulchan Aruch. There were great poskim after the Shulchan Aruch, and for all intents and purposes, klal Yisrael has accepted the Mishna Berurah by the Chafetz Chaim as our halachah today.
Morah Nechama’s Playgroup
Purim Cards in Memory of Levi Bialo, ob”m
Help Wanted: Speech and Language Pathologist & Administrative Asst.
* Tree of Knowledge is looking for a Speech and Language Pathologist to service children in the local Jewish Day Schools. For more information please email czelczer@treeofknowledge.us or call 216-851-2221 ext 212.
* Administrative Assistant. Full-time. Looking for a person with good organizational and interpersonal skills and an independent worker. Should have experience with Excel, Word & Outlook . Contact Learning Concepts at hr@learningconcepts.us
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)