Blum’s Party Goods- Special Purim Hours
ANYTIME Garage Door & Locksmith
Chaverim of Cleveland Celebrates Second Anniversary
If you’ve ever experienced a flat tire as you’re rushing to the airport to make a flight or your car not starting as your kids get ready for morning carpool — then you can certainly appreciate the importance of the work Chaverim does.
Chaverim is comprised of a group of 25 dedicated volunteers, including 4 dispatchers, who are trained and ready to be of service for just about any and all non-medical emergency situations that may arise. From giving “dead” cars a boost, to delivering hospital equipment to those needing it at home, to helping set up a shivah home, Chaverim is on call 24/6 to assist the community out in whatever way they can.
Chef Dave’s Catering Purim Seudah All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner
Personal Supplications on Shabbos and Yom Tov by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff (
Question # 1: Harachaman Hullabaloo
“I know that on Shabbos some people do not recite the harachamans at the end of bensching, but I was raised saying them. Am I doing something wrong?”
Question #2: The Monotonous Mishebeirach Mode
Iam Impatient calls me with the following question: “Can we do anything to reduce the number of mishebeirachs in our shul? It is taking longer and longer, and I find the delay quite disturbing.”
Mosdos Mishloach Manos in 3 Easy Steps
2 Ways to Get Involved with Bikur Cholim
Chef Dave’s Catering Purim Seudah All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner
Shiva Times for Mrs. Ahuva Silver, a”h
Telshe Shiur on the Weekly Parsha & Hashkafa with HaRav Ahron Levitansky
Cleveland Heights House for Sale OR FOR RENT – Shannon Road
New Minyan in The Heart of Downtown
In response to numerous requests, G-d willing we will be starting a Shachris Minyan at Downtown Chabad — 55 Public Square, Suite 920. Shachris will begin at 7:10 am to accommodate those arriving at 7:05 with the train. For now the minyan will be taking place Monday & Thursday only, pending on demand. To be included on updates, confirming minyans or any questions, email (Rabbi Yossi Freedman)
Special Hand – Made Shemurah Matzah Baked By HaRav Blum Shlita of Cleveland Hts
Order hand – made round Shemurah Matzah (Pupa / Tzailem of New York) baked for the Cleveland community by our very own HaRav Yehudah Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim Shul in Cleveland Hts.
This thin and delicious Shemurah Matzah is baked fresh shortly before Pesach and is available at a greatly discounted price for our community only.
Yavneh Presents Against the Tide
Curves Workouts with Jillian Michaels
Blum’s Party Goods – Looking for the Perfect Mishloach Manos for Your Teacher?
Help Your Shul, Buy a Car from Shaul!
Zumba with Rozita! New Time Wednesdays 7:45 – 8:45PM
HAC Purim Cards
Support SEGULA This Purim!
5 Ways to Save at Whole Foods
I know that sometimes Whole Foods gets a bad rap in the frugal world. My own father – who actually shops at Whole Foods regularly – jokingly refers to it as “Whole Paycheck”.
And yes, a lot of the products sold at Whole Foods are more expensive than the same (or comparable) products available at Target or your local grocery store.
But in my experience, you can actually get some amazing bargains at Whole Foods — savings of as much as 70% or more off the shelf price on kosher, organic food.
Help Wanted: Cedar Sinai Synagogue Seeks Youth Educator for Shabbat Morning
Cedar Sinai Synagogue is looking for an experienced educator to run our Shabbat morning youth group for kids in early childhood and early elementary (Pre-K through second grade). The program would run from 10–11:30 and would consist of a short tefilla, games, and kiddush. The group would look to meet every week. Compensation will be commensurate with experience. For those interested, please contact Gracie Clements, Office Manager, at 216-382-6566 or
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Matzos Chaburah Through Rabbi Yosef Heinemann
Drowning in the Internet? Guard Your Eyes – Tools for Breaking Free
A+ Webinar – Surviving Social Situations: Helping Your Pre-teen and Teen Daughter Come Out Stronger
Women’s Health Workshops Via Tele-conference With Leah Tikvah Rosen
May I Daven in English?
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff (
Question #1:
I received the following e-mail question from Verna Acular:
I much prefer to pray in English, since reading the siddur in Hebrew provides me with no emotional connection to G-d. I was told to read the Hebrew even though I cannot comprehend it, yet other people I know were told that they could pray in English. Which approach is correct?
Question #2:
Bella, a middle-aged, new immigrant from Central Europe, struggles to ask the rabbi:
I became frum in Hungary and Hungarian is the only language that I can read and understand. Someone told me that now that I am living in the United States, I cannot pray in Hungarian, but must learn to read either English or Hebrew. Is this so? I am really too old to learn to read a new language.
Little Men Inventory Clearance Sale
Recording of Hespedim for Mrs. Ahuva Silver, a”h