This is a great time to take advantage of some awesome deals: Baby knits $25, Year-round dress pants $15, Wool pants $25, Velour Shabbos pajamas $18, Suits as low as $50, Wool coats $80 … and so much more! I look forward to seeing you at the sale!
Recording of Hespedim for Mrs. Ahuva Silver, a”h
ANYTIME Garage Door & Locksmith
Mika’s – February Specials
Special Hand – Made Shemurah Matzah Baked By HaRav Blum Shlita of Cleveland Hts
Order hand – made round Shemurah Matzah (Pupa / Tzailem of New York) baked for the Cleveland community by our very own HaRav Yehudah Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim Shul in Cleveland Hts.
This thin and delicious Shemurah Matzah is baked fresh shortly before Pesach and is available at a greatly discounted price for our community only.
Place your order by calling Shloimy Modes @ 216.397.9495
We are taking orders until Erev Pesach, while supplies last. As Pesach nears quantities may become limited, so please place your order as soon as possible.
Women’s Health Workshops Via Tele-conference With Leah Tikvah Rosen
A+ Solutions Webinar – Surviving Social Situations: Helping Your Pre-teen and Teen Daughter
Invitation to Community from Zichron Chaim for Sheva Brachos for Rabbi & Rebbetzin Charlop
The entire community is invited to participate in a dessert reception in honor of the Sheva Brachos of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Charlop, which will IY”H take place on Tuesday evening, February 25 at 8:30 PM at Green Road Synagogue.
The Cleveland Mikveh Directory – Did you CONFIRM Your Correc Information yet?
Parents: Learn How To Keep Your Kid Safe
Avi Kupfer, CPA – Taxes By A CPA With Reasonable Rates
Little Men Inventory Clearance Sale
Yavneh Presents Against the Tide
B.G. Sweets Gourmet Popcorn Purim Special – Candy Confetti Corn
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Ahuva Silver (Ahuva bas Sarah). The funeral will take place Sunday, February 23rd, 11am at Berkowitz- Kumin. Burial will follow at Mt. Olive Cemetery, 27855 Aurora Rd, Solon, OH 44139, Shomre Shabbos section. Telephone hook-up (712) 432-3011 pin 998590. Shiva will take place at the Silver home, 3577 Bendemeer Road, Cleveland Heights. Shacharis: 7:10am, Mincha/Maariv: 5:50pm. Please no visitation: 3:30-5:30pm, 7-8:30pm, and not after 10pm.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Chocolate Emporium Remains Open Through February 28th
Avi Kupfer, CPA – Taxes By A CPA With Reasonable Rates
Pirchei Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel Events 5774
Rabbi Spiegler named head rabbi of Beachwood Kehilla
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Rabbi Ari Spiegler, assistant rabbi at Beachwood Kehilla, will become the Orthodox synagogue’s head rabbi, effective Tuesday, April 1.
Spiegler, 30, was unanimously approved for the position by the shul’s board in January. The congregation then approved him at its annual meeting this month.
Ahuja Medical Center to Off Free Colonoscopies in March
University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center in Beachwood will offer free colonoscopies to qualifying patients in March during National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month.
“Colon cancer is the most common gastrointestinal cancer by far, and one of the most common causes of cancer deaths,” said John A. Dumot, medical director of the UH Digestive Health Institute at UH Ahuja Medical Center. “People need to take it seriously and our message with this colonscopy initiative is, ‘get screened.’”
Community-wide Tehillim for Ahuva Bas Sarah TONIGHT 8:45
There will be community-wide Tehillim gathering tonight at Khal Yereim at 8:45 for Ahvua bas Sarah. This is the CORRECT time so disregard the slightly earlier time in the Calling Post. She is in desperate need of rachmei shamayim. Here is the call in number for those who can’t make it. 7124323011 pin 998590. Tehillim to be read: 20*, 6*, 3, 30, 41, 90, 97, 130*, 119*. * line-by-line. Ma’ariv at 8:30.
In the meantime, please say additional Tehillim, do additional things to bring her more zechuyos, or whatever you can think of – in this very important time!
Special Hand – Made Shemurah Matzah Baked By HaRav Blum Shlita of Cleveland Hts
Order hand – made round Shemurah Matzah (Pupa / Tzailem of New York) baked for the Cleveland community by our very own HaRav Yehudah Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim Shul in Cleveland Hts.
This thin and delicious Shemurah Matzah is baked fresh shortly before Pesach and is available at a greatly discounted price for our community only.
Place your order by calling Shloimy Modes @ 216.397.9495
We are taking orders until Erev Pesach, while supplies last. As Pesach nears quantities may become limited, so please place your order as soon as possible.
A number of varieties are available in addition to the regular white flour Matzah. Here is a partial list: partial whole wheat, 100% whole wheat, spelt, a few types of special Chaburah (Shitas HaRosh) including Satmar & Arizona flour, Shemurah Matzah Meal (Oat Matzah for those who can’t tolerate anything else is presently available for a limited time).
While all the items are already under Hashgachah, most of them are under HaRav Blum Shlita’s additional extra strict Hashgachah. Please ask for details.
Cedar Green Community Kollel Evening of Inspiration – 17th Anniversary
Rabbi Gross Weekly Shiur in Megillas Esther (Conference Call Option Too)
Pirchei Grand Melave Malka Parshas Vayakhel
Help Your Shul, Buy a Car from Shaul!
Parents: Learn How To Keep Your Kid Safe
Oheb Zedek-Cedar Sinai Synagogue Welcomes Rabbi Barry Kislowicz
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Sally Horwitz, mother of Dr. Leonard Horwitz. The funeral will be on Thursday in Connecticut. Len will sit Shiva on Thursday & Friday in New Haven; Motzei Shabbos & Sunday morning in N.Y. and Sunday until Wednesday morning in Detroit. Please contact the YIGC office for further details.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim