Listen to the Hotline for a lot of great information. Although the workshops have begun, it’s not too late! Join now and hear the first workshop that was recorded “Freebies and things you can do under $10/year to protect and enhance your health and well-being.”
Chef Dave’s Catering Last Set of Restaurant Nights Before Pesach & Purim Seudah & Sushi
Bais Yaakov Mosdos Proudly Presents City of Hope
Help Wanted: Paid Carpool Driver
Looking for someone interested in driving a Cleveland Heights to Mizrachi carpool 1x/ week for pay. Choose one day among several days available (Mon, Wed, Thurs – 5:15 or Tues. 4:30). Call 216-464-5682.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
‘Safety Kid’ program makes local debut
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Teaching children safety skills at a young age is critical. Teaching parents and teachers how to reinforce these skills is just as important.
To promote safety, the Magen Yeladim International Child Safety Institute’s Safety Kid program will be taught to staff, teachers, parents and children at Fuchs Mizrachi School in Beachwood and the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland in Cleveland Heights from, Monday, Feb. 24 to Wednesday, Feb. 26.
Invitation to Community from Zichron Chaim for Sheva Brachos for Rabbi & Rebbetzin Charlop
The entire community is invited to participate in a dessert reception in honor of the Sheva Brachos of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Charlop, which will IY”H take place on Tuesday evening, February 25 at 8:30 PM at Green Road Synagogue.
Seeking Band for Columbus Purim
Orthodox Shul in Columbus, Ohio seeks band for our Purim Bash Motzei Shabbos, March 15. Contact Shelley Levey at
Parents: Learn How To Keep Your Kid Safe
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – Attaining True Simcha in Adar
Performance Opportunities at This Year’s I-X Indoor Amusement Park Jewish Community Day (Pesach)
Women’s Health Workshops Via Tele-conference With Leah Tikvah Rosen
Marle Boutique – Making Room for NEW Merchandise
Most day schools see growth pattern
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Four Jewish day schools experienced increased student enrollment this year. More students are attending Gross Schechter Day School, which is Conservative, and the Cleveland area’s three Orthodox Schools: Fuchs Mizrachi School, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland and Mosdos Ohr Hatorah.
Torah Life February Raffle – $750 Costco Gift Card
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. I. Jacoby the winners of Januarys raffle!
This month’s raffle will be for a $750 Costco cash card!
Torah LIFE Kollel’s monthly raffle is now in its second year but with a new twist! Every month Torah LIFE Kollel, will be raffling off $750 in gift cards or gift certificates. For ONLY $8.33 a month, or $100 for the year, you will be entered into the next 12 monthly raffle drawings, and you will have the zechus of supporting Torah.
Visit to purchase your tickets!
Bikur Cholim Cleveland Video and Stats 2014
Enjoy watching again the video shown at this year’s Bikur Cholim Annual Dinner which will display when you click on the “read more” below. Please consider learning and getting more involved in this great organization if you have not already.
Pirchei Motzei Shabbos Ki Tisa
Help Wanted: Jerusalem Grill
Jerusalem Grill is hiring full and part-time positions. Please stop in for an application at 14421 Cedar Rd, S. Euclid 44121. 216-291-9191
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Marle Boutique – Making Room for NEW Merchandise
Rabbi Gross Weekly Shiur in Megillas Esther (Conference Call Option Too)
Chocolate Emporium closing anything but sweet
(Cleveland Jewish News)
This Valentine’s Day will be bittersweet for Eleanor Newman and her employees at Chocolate Emporium.
The University Heights store, which specializes in kosher pareve (dairy-free) chocolate products, is closing after 20 years in business.
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – Attaining True Simcha in Adar
Cedar Green Community Kollel Evening of Inspiration – 17th Anniversary
Help Your Shul, Buy a Car from Shaul!
An Orthodoxy That is Open to the World: Rav Kook’s Vision of the Integration of Torah, Culture, and Science
Parents: Learn How To Keep Your Kid Safe
Lee Bachman – State Farm Insurance, University Heights
Help Bikur Cholim at BJ’s