An Orthodoxy That is Open to the World: Rav Kook’s Vision of the Integration of Torah, Culture, and Science
Help Wanted: Plumbing Office
CLI Creative Learning Institute of Dance – Winter Session 2014 – Coupon
Money saving coupon below …
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Telshe Monthly Lunch & Learn in Solon
HAC Presents Dr. Ross W. Greene – Collaborative and Proactive Solutions; Helping Kids at Home
WinterSwim 5774 is Here!!
Zumba with Rozita! New Time Wednesdays 7:45 – 8:45PM
Chef Dave’s Restaurant Nights and Sushi
Restaurant Nights – February 4,5,6,9,10. Download a menu, make your reservations now and don’t miss out!
Also, we continue to have Sushi available for takeout on Tuesday & Friday. If you are interested in Sushi for Monday or Thursday, please check with me beforehand. Download a sushi menu.
Requesting Internship Possibilities for Public School Jewish Teens
NCSY is looking for professionals who would be willing to take Jewish Teens from Public Schools looking for jobs or internships that would keep them impressed and involved in the Jewish community-network and would rival jobs they might otherwise get at non-kosher restaurants or other not-best-case-scenario situations. Contact: Rabbi Arieh Friedner, City Director of Cleveland NCSY, 216-200-NCSY,
Cleveland heads to more sub-zero days; could be most for a month in 20 years
(Plain Dealer)
Apparently Cleveland had some catching up to do when it came to cold – really cold – weather.
We had gone nearly three years without a sub-zero day before the temperature dipped to 11-below zero at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport on Jan. 6-7.
Now, if the forecast for the next couple of days holds true, we could have our third, fourth and fifth sub-zero days this month. That would be the most on record for a single month in Cleveland in 20 years, the Northeast Ohio Media Group found in going through daily weather reports.
Halachically Speaking – Secular Dates
Here is the newest issue of Halachically Speaking entitled “Secular Dates” offering very interesting haskofa and halacha on this topic.
Sheitel Courses with Tzip Sonnenschein
Tzip Sonnenschein is now offering sheitel courses for high school girls and older. Learn the art of haircutting- layers, angles, amazing bangs… and drastically improve your blowing skills… Get your straight blow to come out even straighter with no frizz, height on top that really stays, and learn how to use a curling iron for curls and beach waves…
Creative Chocolates
Former Refusenik Yosef Mendelevich in Cleveland!!
Paul E. Henfield – Realtor
The NEW UPDATED Cleveland Mikveh Directory
Creative Chocolates
Arline’s Affection Wig Gemach at Mika’s
Math Tutoring for Success!
Positive Parenting FOR TEENS
Young Israel of Greater Cleveland Trivia Night
Torah LIFE Kollel Raffle – Back for a Second Year But With a Twist – January 2014
Torah LIFE Kollel’s monthly raffle has now started its second year but with a new twist! Every month in 2014, Torah LIFE Kollel, will be raffling off $750 in gift cards or gift certificates. For ONLY $8.33 a month, or $100 for the year, you can be entered into the monthly raffle, and you will have the zechus of supporting Torah.
The Significance of Vehu Rachum
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff (
Question #1:
“I was once told that there are places in the long Vehu Rachum prayer where one should stop and wait to hear keriyas haTorah. What are they, and why?”
Question #2:
“Why is the prayer Vehu Rachum recited only on Monday and Thursday?”
Question #3:
“In some shullen that I attend, there is often a bang on a shtender with an announcement that today is the yahrzeit of some great rebbe, and therefore we will skip Tachanun. What is the source of this practice?”
GRS Adult Education – Sunday Morning Learning for Women – Rachel Weiss
Sample Sale – One Time Only – Arbonne offers premium quality beauty, health, and wellness products
South Euclid Juveniles and Criminal Activity Meeting
There will be an open meeting for South Euclid residents to discuss the handling of juveniles and criminal activity in general. Judge Gayle Beyers, Juvenile Court Judge Allison Floyd and Detective Dave Volek will be present to answer questions and address concerns specific to your street.The meeting is Wednesday, Februrary 5th, 2014 7pm at City Hall. The community room is located on the second floor.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
With sadness, we inform you of the passing of R’Dovid Bergstein. The funeral for R’ Dovid Bergstein o”h, is scheduled for Tuesday January 28, at 11am at the Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery, 3740 Ridge Road. There are no family members, so if possible we would like to have a minyan attending. Please advise if you can attend. Transportation is available. For further information, call Aaron Levine at: 216-548-9384
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim