JLC – Who Knows 1?
Better, More Carefully Chosen Words
Yesterday was the Yahrzeit of the Manchester Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Yehuda Zev B’R Moshe Yitzchak HaLevi Segal, Z’tl. HaRav Segal put the Koach HaPeh (power of speech) at the forefront of his Avodas Hashem (divine service) and assured others that they would experience personal Yeshuos (redemptions) through the proper study and application of Shemiras Halashon (careful speech). The concept of Yoseir MiMah She’Hayisi (more than I was previously) can especially be used with the words one allows himself to speak, for one can continuously edify and refine his speech and his manner of speech. ’I am going to cheat on my diet with this piece of cake.’; ’Can I steal a moment of your time?’; ‘What a disgusting bug!’; ‘That food is nasty’; ‘I have no patience for this!’; ’I can’t talk to you bye [click]’–are all examples of short statements which ultimately impact a person’s mindset and overall personality.
Elderly, Sick Air Travellers and TSA – Tips
(Hakhel, Aneinu) If you are traveling in the United States with someone, i.e., an elderly or sick parent who will have difficulty waiting in the long security line, there is something you can do to expedite the screening process: You can call ‘TSACare’ 72 hours before flight time at 855-787-2227 and press 2 . You will speak to a person and give them the date, time, and airport you will be leaving and returning from. They will contact the TSA customer representative in that airport. They call back and give you the cell phone number of the representative who will be on duty at the time of your travel.
A Smile As Big as the Moon – 6th Annual Program of Special Needs Awareness – SEGULA,Etgar, JECC
WinterSwim 5774 is Here!!
The NEW UPDATED Cleveland Mikveh Directory
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Shiva Updates and Israel Hespedim for Mrs. Miriam Neuman, obm
Shiva update for Neuman Family: R’ Raphael Aryeh, R’ Dovid, and R’ Moshe Neuman continue sitting shiva in Cleveland. R’ Yehoshua and Rav Binyomin Ahron return from Eretz Yisroel and will be sitting in Cleveland from Thursday mid-day. Shacharis 7:15am. Mincha 5:15. (Erev Shabbos 1:30pm). 14459 Summerfield in University Hts. Mourners get up Monday morning.
Video of Hespedim in Israel appear below courtesy of
Sheitel Courses with Tzip Sonnenschein
Tzip Sonnenschein is now offering sheitel courses for high school girls and older. Learn the art of haircutting- layers, angles, amazing bangs… and drastically improve your blowing skills… Get your straight blow to come out even straighter with no frizz, height on top that really stays, and learn how to use a curling iron for curls and beach waves…
Telshe Monthly Lunch & Learn in Solon
Homestead Exemption and New Income Requirements for 2014
Many are well aware of the Homestead Exemption that allows homeowners over 65 to receive a reduction in their property taxes. In this link and below appears detailed information on this discount and how to apply from the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer’s website. However, it is important to note that after January 1, 2014 there is now a new income requirement on the books that homeowners making more than $30, 000 will no longer qualify. See here for more details on this new change from a state-wide perspective. Ask your accountant for details, but it appears to this author that still one can apply this year and circumvent this income requirement. Applications are being accepted through the first Monday in June.
New park in University Heights continues to take shape
It would be up to city residents whether they would like to continue a recreational bond issue to fund park improvements at the cleared site of the old Northwood and Fuchs Mizrachi school.
That’s just one of the items left up for discussion after the Jan. 15 public meeting, attended by about 50 people, on the development of the 6.5-acre park.
Embroidery For You
We are your one source providing:
Designing, Embroidery and Silk Screening
Located in University Heights, Ohio – Support local merchants
Gift Items, Monograms – We can monogram your items
Towels, Bags, Hats, Shirts, Jackets – Design these for YOUR business
Hebrew Lettering – Available upon request
Company Logos – We can help you design a logo if you don’t have one
Embroidery For You – One place for all your needs
2243 Warrensville Center Road #55, University Hts., OH 44118, Marc Weinberger: 440-342-2607, Cathy: 216-410-3519
Referred by Tzvi Turner from Chaverim
Pirchei Motzei Shabbos Mishpatim
CLI Creative Learning Institute of Dance – Winter Session 2014 – Coupon
Money saving coupon below …
[Read more…]
Capture the Moment Winter Blow Out for Cleveland Weddings
Young Israel of Greater Cleveland Trivia Night
Former Refusenik Yosef Mendelevich in Cleveland!!
Added will be a special additional presentation in Russian preceding the main event. He will speak in Russian at 7:15 before the 8pm English Presentation . Description: “НАПЕРЕКОР ВСЕМУ”, История еврея замахнувшегося на советск ий строй. This might be a nice opportunity to encourage a Russian-speaking neighbor or colleague to attend.
Help Wanted: Blum’s Stock Person
Blums party goods is looking for a stock person for about 15 hours a week. Flexible hours. Must be organized, able to lift heavy boxes, courteous and know how to drive. Please call 216-509-2282.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Obituary for Margery Kohrman, obm
(Ed: A reader ask that we share this brief obituary. BD”E)
Nee Smith, Born in Cleveland, OH. Age 85. D.o.b. 3.30.28. Life-long resident of Cleveland.
Died: 27500 Cedar Road, Beachwood, OH
Date of death: 1.15.14
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Israel Burial Webcam for Mrs. Miriam Neuman, obm
We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Miriam Neuman, wife of R’ Leizer Neuman (Cleveland). Mother of R’ Moshe, R’ Yehoshua, R’ Dovid (Cleveland), Rav Binyomin Ahron (Chicago) and R’ Raphael Aryeh (Lakewood). The levaya in Israel will take place Wednesday, January 22 at 1:00 pm Israel time, 6am Cleveland time at Eretz HaChaim Cemetery in Beit Shemesh, Agudas Yisroel Section. The levaya can be viewed via webcam through -Webcast #1.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
New Round of the Brochos Contest – Next Drawing April 1, 2014
Arline’s Affection Wig Gemach at Mika’s
Torah LIFE Kollel Raffle – Back for a Second Year But With a Twist – January 2014
Torah LIFE Kollel’s monthly raffle has now started its second year but with a new twist! Every month in 2014, Torah LIFE Kollel, will be raffling off $750 in gift cards or gift certificates. For ONLY $8.33 a month, or $100 for the year, you can be entered into the monthly raffle, and you will have the zechus of supporting Torah.
Connect with Telshe Monthly Lunch & Learn
Receiving the Torah Again 4x per Week
The monumental occasion of Har Sinai is relived in Shul four times a week at Kriyas HaTorah. How so? The Mishna Berurah (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 141, seif katan 16) writes that the Ba’al Kriyah is the Shul’s equivalent of Moshe Rabbeinu, relating the Torah to all assembled–men and women, young and old–at the behest of the Gabbai, who kevayachol, is “in the place of” Hashem, designating whom he wants to call to the Torah to hear its teaching.
Connect with Telshe Monthly Lunch & Learn
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Miriam Neuman, wife of R’ Leizer Neuman (Cleveland). Mother of R’ Moshe, R’ Yehoshua, R’ Dovid (Cleveland), Rav Binyomin Ahron (Chicago) and R’ Raphael Aryeh (Lakewood). The Levaya took place January 21st at Berkowitz Kumin, 1985 South Taylor Rd, Cleveland heights at 9:00 pm. This is a web link to watch the Levaya on line.
A Levaya will take place in Boro Park at Shomre Hadas 38th and 14th at 11:00 AM Tuesday. Shiva will take place at the home the Nifteres at 14459 Summerfield in University Hts. Shacharis 7:15am. Mincha/Maariv 5:15pm. Friday afternoon Mincha TBA.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Curves Thursday Evenings Zumba Fitness Classes with Rosita Weiss – New TIME 6 – 7pm
The Solomon Sefer Torah Campaign
My father in law, Reb Zev Aryeh Solomon, A”H, exemplified all that a Torah true Jew should be. He was conscientious about davening and extremely careful in his interpersonal relationships. He was diligent in regards to learning and kevius itim. From the inception of Kollel Torah Life until his last day, Reb Zev was involved on a daily basis, benefiting from his many chavrusas and shiurim. Mostly, his positive character added to the atmosphere of our community. The vacuum created by his untimely passing will not be easily filled.
In his z’chus, I would like to undertake raising the funds necessary to have a sefer Torah written in his name. Any donation, whether big or small, will help our family achieve this goal.