Asher Barkin’s LYD Orchestra
Engagement Season is here. Here are 10 reasons to book Asher Barkin’s LYD Orchestra for your wedding:
HAC Presents Rabbi Berel Wein – The Jewish World in the American Jew
Chef Dave’s Catering Sushi
We will be again be offering Sushi for takeout this week on our regular schedule. Takeout times will be from 5-7PM on Tuesday and 12-2PM on Friday. Please try to have your orders in by 8PM tonight for Tuesday, and 8PM on Wednesday for Friday. Orders received after those times will be filled based on availability. Check out our Sushi Menu here >>
All sushi is made fresh that day, but is refrigerated before pickup. For maximum enjoyment, we recommend leaving your sushi out for 45 minutes to an hour and not eating it straight out of the refrigerator. If you have any special requests, just let us know and we’ll do our best to take care of it.
TLC – Recovery Program for Compulsive Eating
TLC (To Live with Choice) is a Torah based program of recovery for women dealing with compulsive eating and food addiction. Join us to learn the secrets of recovery and gain “chizuk” by learning the 13 Steps taught by Rebbetzin Moskowitz (Rabbi Ezriel Tauber’s daughter).
Meetings are held every Tuesday night 7:30pm – 8:15pm. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, 10 Severance Circle, First Floor ENT section, Conference C. For more information please call Yehudis at (216) 315-0666. To find out more information and to hear inspiring lectures from Rebbetzin Moskowitz call the TLC HOTLINE (646) 205-1111 Pin Number: 1101#
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr.Sam Dicker. The funeral will be on Wednesday, January 15th at 12:00 noon.
Obituary below:
Free Target Credit Monitoring and ID Theft Protection
To help ease concerns and provide an added safeguard for guests, Target is offering one year of free credit monitoring, a free credit report, and access to live fraud experts for customers. Seems a useful free resource and there do not seem to be any hidden tricks like automatic renewal or needing a credit card to sign up. Learn more here >>
Help Wanted: Jerusalem Grill Is Hiring
Jerusalem Grill is hiring full and part-time positions. Please stop in for an application at 14421 Cedar Rd, S. Euclid 44121. 216-291-9191
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Beachwood House Available for Rent
New Round of the Brochos Contest – Next Drawing April 1, 2014
Three separate raffles from Shannon Road Ice Cream to celebrate their new distribution in Wickliffe and University Heights!
Creative Chocolates
HAC Presents Rabbi Berel Wein – The Jewish World in the American Jew
Bikur Cholim Melave Malka February 8th Journal Ads
Please help Bikur Cholim and publicly recognize and honor local volunteers by placing an ad in our journal. You can now place an ad directly on our secure website.
Click here to download an ad blank>>
Click here to download a letter to friends and supporters >>
Chocolate Emporium – Tu B’Shevat 5774
BOGO Sale at Blum’s – New Inventory – Gadgets, Giftware, & Housewares
The Solomon Sefer Torah Campaign
My father in law, Reb Zev Aryeh Solomon, A”H, exemplified all that a Torah true Jew should be. He was conscientious about davening and extremely careful in his interpersonal relationships. He was diligent in regards to learning and kevius itim. From the inception of Kollel Torah Life until his last day, Reb Zev was involved on a daily basis, benefiting from his many chavrusas and shiurim. Mostly, his positive character added to the atmosphere of our community. The vacuum created by his untimely passing will not be easily filled.
In his z’chus, I would like to undertake raising the funds necessary to have a sefer Torah written in his name. Any donation, whether big or small, will help our family achieve this goal.
Paul E. Henfield – Realtor
Torah LIFE Kollel Raffle – Back for a Second Year But With a Twist – January 2014
Torah LIFE Kollel’s monthly raffle has now started its second year but with a new twist! Every month in 2014, Torah LIFE Kollel, will be raffling off $750 in gift cards or gift certificates. For ONLY $8.33 a month, or $100 for the year, you can be entered into the monthly raffle, and you will have the zechus of supporting Torah.
Women’s Division Cedar-Green Community Kollel Woman to Woman – Heart to Heart
Capture the Moment Winter Blow Out for Cleveland Weddings
30-50% Off; Shells and Winter Clearance at Head Shoulders Toes & Bows
GRS Adult Education – Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
A+ Solutions Presents Appreciating Your Child’s Individuality
We are pleased to announce that A+ Solutions is now a CEU provider for the State of Ohio, Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Our first CEU program is Tuesday, January 14, 2014 “Appreciating Your Child’s Individuality”: How Temperamental Differences Affect Young Children”will count for 1 CEU credit.
Tu B’Shevat – How to Check Dried Fruit – Nuts
With Tu B’Shevat a week away, we move into thoughts of preparation for a Rosh Hashana not known to the world at large. We provide below a guide of the Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway. We note that with respect to fresh figs, we have been advised that they are a top concern, as they can be infested with tolaim/ bugs. We also add that we have been advised that there is no issues of tolaim with respect to pomegranates. As always, one should consult with his own Rav or Posek for a final p’sak in all matters.
Very Important Note: This section is only relevant when using dried fruit or nuts in America. However, in Israel, dried fruit or nuts can have a substantially more serious insect problem. One needs to seek guidance from a credible Rabbinic source when eating Israeli dried fruits and nuts.
HAC Presents Rabbi Berel Wein – The Jewish World in the American Jew
Millikin building may house Heights Youth Theatre Community playground may also be built on Millikin property
January 10, 2014
Cleveland Heights, OH
After years of trying to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with local private K-8 school Mosdos Ohr Hatorah for the use of the former Millikin School facility proved ultimately unsuccessful, the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District plans on moving forward with other plans that will bring activity and use back to Millikin.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Shiva Information for Rabbi Joseph Fabian, z”l
Shiva will be at the home of Rabbi Aharon Dovid Lebovics, 3485 Shannon Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH through Wednesday evening. Mourners get up Thursday morning. Daily hours: 10a-2pm and 7-10pm. No minyanim.
Tip Tap Toe Blowout Clearance Sale – All Winter Shoes $38.99
Help Wanted: YABI Infant Caregiver Positions
Yabi Nursery and Child Care has the following positions available for an infant caregiver: 8:30 to 5:30 or 10:30 to 5:30 or 2:00 to 6:00. Please call 216-932-7664 for more details if interested.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)