(Ed: A reader ask that we share this brief obituary. BD”E)
Nee Smith, Born in Cleveland, OH. Age 85. D.o.b. 3.30.28. Life-long resident of Cleveland.
Died: 27500 Cedar Road, Beachwood, OH
Date of death: 1.15.14
News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
(Ed: A reader ask that we share this brief obituary. BD”E)
Nee Smith, Born in Cleveland, OH. Age 85. D.o.b. 3.30.28. Life-long resident of Cleveland.
Died: 27500 Cedar Road, Beachwood, OH
Date of death: 1.15.14
We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Miriam Neuman, wife of R’ Leizer Neuman (Cleveland). Mother of R’ Moshe, R’ Yehoshua, R’ Dovid (Cleveland), Rav Binyomin Ahron (Chicago) and R’ Raphael Aryeh (Lakewood). The levaya in Israel will take place Wednesday, January 22 at 1:00 pm Israel time, 6am Cleveland time at Eretz HaChaim Cemetery in Beit Shemesh, Agudas Yisroel Section. The levaya can be viewed via webcam through SimchaConnect.com -Webcast #1.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Torah LIFE Kollel’s monthly raffle has now started its second year but with a new twist! Every month in 2014, Torah LIFE Kollel, will be raffling off $750 in gift cards or gift certificates. For ONLY $8.33 a month, or $100 for the year, you can be entered into the monthly raffle, and you will have the zechus of supporting Torah.
The monumental occasion of Har Sinai is relived in Shul four times a week at Kriyas HaTorah. How so? The Mishna Berurah (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 141, seif katan 16) writes that the Ba’al Kriyah is the Shul’s equivalent of Moshe Rabbeinu, relating the Torah to all assembled–men and women, young and old–at the behest of the Gabbai, who kevayachol, is “in the place of” Hashem, designating whom he wants to call to the Torah to hear its teaching.
We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Miriam Neuman, wife of R’ Leizer Neuman (Cleveland). Mother of R’ Moshe, R’ Yehoshua, R’ Dovid (Cleveland), Rav Binyomin Ahron (Chicago) and R’ Raphael Aryeh (Lakewood). The Levaya took place January 21st at Berkowitz Kumin, 1985 South Taylor Rd, Cleveland heights at 9:00 pm. This is a web link to watch the Levaya on line.
A Levaya will take place in Boro Park at Shomre Hadas 38th and 14th at 11:00 AM Tuesday. Shiva will take place at the home the Nifteres at 14459 Summerfield in University Hts. Shacharis 7:15am. Mincha/Maariv 5:15pm. Friday afternoon Mincha TBA.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
My father in law, Reb Zev Aryeh Solomon, A”H, exemplified all that a Torah true Jew should be. He was conscientious about davening and extremely careful in his interpersonal relationships. He was diligent in regards to learning and kevius itim. From the inception of Kollel Torah Life until his last day, Reb Zev was involved on a daily basis, benefiting from his many chavrusas and shiurim. Mostly, his positive character added to the atmosphere of our community. The vacuum created by his untimely passing will not be easily filled.
In his z’chus, I would like to undertake raising the funds necessary to have a sefer Torah written in his name. Any donation, whether big or small, will help our family achieve this goal.
The DONOR SERVICE OPERATIONS CENTER (DSOC) is responsible for general database maintenance and integrity, support for development and campaign efforts, events, billing and acknowledgements. In general, the Donor Services Assistant is responsible for 1) supporting all of the department’s activities, 2) learning and maintaining a working knowledge of the Donor Management System, known as BBEC, 3) data entry, and 4) administrative support.
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Rabbi Yosef Fabian, an influential educator who spent most of his professional life in the Cleveland area, died Jan. 8 following a car accident in Los Angeles. He was 99.
According to his grandson, Rabbi Aharon Lebovics of Young Israel of Greater Cleveland in Beachwood, and his daughter, Aliza Thav of Baltimore, Fabian was walking in Los Angeles Jan. 3 when he was struck by a car. He was in good health and clear of mind and walked regularly, Lebovics said.
By Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum
In Megillas Eichah, the Navi Yirmiyahu laments the sorrowful state of the Jewish People: Yesomim ha’yinu v’ein av, “We were orphans left bereft of our father.” The text is enigmatic. Is it not obvious that if we are orphans we no longer have our father? We may suggest a practical insight: When one loses a parent or mentor, the immediate reaction is to focus on one’s personal loss. Yesomim ha’yinu, we became orphans. It is all about “us,” the change in our lives. We are no longer the same. We have been orphaned. After some time this sets in and we realize that there is a void in our family– our father is gone, our mentor is no longer with us. We have been left bereft of our guide, our inspiration, our source of encouragement. We now lament v’ein av, there is no father.
Recommended books that can be borrowed from the Aaron Garber Library, 26500 Shaker Boulevard. Library Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-4. Phone 216-212-4116 from Ilka Gordon, On Site Director.
Letters to Talia by Dov Indig
Dov Indig, a student at a hesder yeshiva, was killed in a battle on the Golan Heights October 7, 1973. His family published his correspondence with Talia, a high school student in a secular kibbutz, in his memory. “The letters reveal the rich spiritual worlds of Dov and Talia and establish a bridge of understanding between these two young people who came from such different backgrounds.” (from the forward)
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(Cleveland Jewish News)
As the snow falls in Cleveland, Israel is seeing its first blooms of the season.
A celebration of Israel’s “new year” of trees will occur at the Mandel Jewish Community Center’s Tu b’Shevat celebration Sunday, Jan. 19.
We will be again be offering Sushi for takeout this week on our regular schedule. Takeout times will be from 5-7PM on Tuesday and 12-2PM on Friday. Please try to have your orders in by 8PM tonight for Tuesday, and 8PM on Wednesday for Friday. Orders received after those times will be filled based on availability. Check out our Sushi Menu here >>
All sushi is made fresh that day, but is refrigerated before pickup. For maximum enjoyment, we recommend leaving your sushi out for 45 minutes to an hour and not eating it straight out of the refrigerator. If you have any special requests, just let us know and we’ll do our best to take care of it.