A+ Solutions Presents Appreciating Your Child’s Individuality
Walmart Peppers Made in Israel
There were some reports on Friday that Walmart shoppers had noticed that the peppers being sold were grown in Israel.These of course cannot be eaten unless terumos and maaseros have been separated. It is not known which varieties or packages, but it is more likely to include the red, orange, and yellow varieties. In previous years, we have seen Israeli Clementines and peppers at many area grocery stores (Israeli peppers are more common in the winter season). Also, look for Israeli Jaffa oranges that are being sold with an O-U indicating trumos and maaseros have already been separated.
The OU has a helpful article explaining how to separate terumos and maaseros.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Edith Kaplovitz, mother of Rabbi Mordechai Kaplovitz. Shiva will be at the home of the late Mrs. Kaplovitz, 2460 Warrensville Ctr Rd. until Wednesday evening. Hours are 10am-2pm and 6:45-9:30pm. No minyanim at the home.
Peninim of Cleveland – Revealing the Beauty Within
Professor Nathan Aviezer – On Contradictions Between Torah and Science: The Creation of the Universe
Jewel Custom Wigs New Year’s Sale at Mika’s
Exquisite & Handcrafted Filigree Jewelry at Mika’s
Zumba With Your Kids
Jewel Custom Wigs New Year’s Sale at Mika’s
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi Video Presentation Tuesday
Agudath Pirchei Motzei Shabbos Learning All Branches with Special Guest Rabbi Nissim Kaplan, shlita & CH Shabbos Pirchei
BJ’s $35 for a One-Year Membership Plus a $25 In-Club Gift Card ($75 Value)
Groupon:$35 for a One-Year Membership at BJ’s Wholesale Club Plus a $25 In-Club Gift Card
Groupon offer ends 5 days from this posting and must be presented to store before Mar 31st, 2014 to activate. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Not valid until 48 hours after purchase. New members only. Must be 18 or older.
Mir Yeshiva Cleveland Shabbos of Chizuk THIS WEEK
Fast of Asarah B’Teves
(Rabbi Yehuda Spitz)(In Cleveland 5775 Fast begins 6:40am, Fast ends 5:49 pm)
Why This Fast?
The reason given for fasting on Asarah B’Teves is that it is the day that the wicked Babylonian king, Nevuchadnetzar, commenced his siege of Yerushalayim[2], foreshadowing the beginning of the end of the first Beis Hamikdash, which culminated with its destruction on Tisha B’Av several years later. Therefore, Chazal declared it a public fast, one of four public fast days that memorialize different aspects of the catastrophes and national tragedies associated with the destruction of both Batei HaMikdash[3].
Help Wanted: Licensed 6th Grade Teacher
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
House for Sale Beachwood – Beachwood Blvd
Chocolate Emporium Say Thanks! and We Are Closed Motzei Shabbos Dec 14th and 21st
Cleveland Heights $10k Down Payment Assistance Program
“Tell your friends and family to buy a home in Cleveland Heights and participate in the $10,000 Down Payment Assistance Loan Program! This is a deferred payment, zero (0%) interest second mortgage. There are NO PAYMENTS until you choose to sell your Cleveland Heights home!
Check out the City of Cleveland Heights web page for additional information. Also get the word out to visit JewishClevelandHeights.com.
Young Israel Movie Night – “Fill the Void”
Cleveland YACHAD Bowl-A-Thon
Chef Dave’s Restaurant Nights
Don’t wait to make your reservations since we often fill up. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Yavneh Seminary – An Amazing Carnival Dec. 15th
Shiur b’ivrit Given by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Denciger (the Aleksander Rebbe)
House for Sale Beachwood – Beachwood Blvd
Batya’s Gourmet Hot Overnight Cholent
Batya’s Gourmet this will be selling hot overnight cholent and kugel at Khal Yeraim between 9:30pm and 11pm. No other locations this week. Buy cholent for Shabbos and save your wife the hassle on these short Fridays.
Batya’s dips are available at Ungers or Boris or by calling 2163151900 for standing orders or for local pickup at Khal Yeraim or at the Jewish learning connection Thursday nights.
No More Fudging the Facts with “Pareve” Kosher Oreos
A reader has written in asking that we alert the community to a possible error in the practice of those who eat Oreo Cookies based on the assumption that while they carry an OU-D they do not have any actual dairy ingredients and are merely considered “dairy equipment.” This assumption was perhaps based on statements available online such as:
(From cRc newsletter alerts, Shavuos 5772 / 2012) “At the present time, most varieties of Oreo Cookies contain dairy ingredients, with two notable exceptions. Original Oreo Sandwich Cookie and Oreo Double Stuf Sandwich Cookie do not contain dairy ingredients, though they are manufactured on dairy equipment. The equipment is not necessarily cleaned before the [Read more…]
Help Channah Appel in Court- This Coming Tuesday
As per advice from her attorney, Channah Appel is asking anyone from the community who is free at 1:30pm on Tuesday, December 17th to come to the Cleveland Heights court across from Dave’s supermarket off of Mayfield Rd. After being surprised to find out that there was a warrant out for her arrest in Cleveland Heights, Mrs. Appel was sent to jail and booked just after Succos, being placed in a cell, fingerprinted, and photographed for a mug shot. She has been accused of stealing thousands of dollars of property from a client that she worked with in her capacity as a home organizer, in Cleveland Heights, and distributing it to needy families. She is currently out on personal bail of $2500. Her third pretrial is set for Tuesday the 17th. Colorful signs are always appreciated!
Personal Training by Chavie Cohen
Opening of Walmart Supercenter in South Euclid gets mixed reviews from independent shops
(Sun Press)(Ed: Posted about 3 weeks ago)
The new Walmart Supercenter at Oakwood Commons has been open nearly a month, selling everything from groceries, to eyeglass lenses, to hardware – and drawing mixed reviews from independent business owners.
Some merchants told Northeast Ohio Media Group that the competition hurts. But one hardware retailer said he believes Walmart has helped his business of 19 years by bringing more traffic to the area.