Who doesn’t want to save money on their Dominion gas bill?! Most people pay their bills on time but do not know the rate they are paying to their supplier for their natural gas. For a free no-obligation quote or to sign up and start saving $$$ call Suri Goldman @ 216-339-2006 or email surig@censtarenergy.com. Go to www.puco.ohio.gov and see for yourself that CenStar Energy has the most competitive pricing for Dominion East Ohio customers. Commercial accounts are welcome and have reduced rates.
Chef Dave’s Restaurant Nights
Don’t wait to make your reservations since we often fill up. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Jewel Custom Wigs New Year’s Sale at Mika’s
Halachically Speaking – Happy Birthday!
Here is the newest issue of Halachically Speaking entitled “Happy Birthday” offering very interesting haskofa and halacha on birthdays.
Tefillos Requested
Mr. Charles Perkel (South Euclid) is very ill and in need of a refuah shelaymah. Please daven for Chanan Ephraim ben Velva.
Hilchos Shabbos in the Kitchen (For Women)
Zumba With Your Kids
Curves New Thursday Evenings Zumba Fitness Classes with Rosita Weiss
Personal Training by Chavie Cohen
Snow Plowing Contracts – 49 Years Serving the Heights Community
Heights Libraries Adding Sunday Hours at University Heights Branch
The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library is pleased to announce it will be increasing its Sunday hours in 2014 by opening its University Heights branch on Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. The new hours will begin on January 5, 2014.
The increased Sunday hours are being implemented in response to the community‘s request to return Sunday hours to the library’s branches. In 2009, Heights Libraries had to cut Sunday hours at three out of its four branches when the State of Ohio drastically reduced public library funding: The Lee Road branch remained open on Sundays but the Coventry Village, Noble Neighborhood, and University Heights branches closed.
Shidduch Gathering
Back in Cleveland! Delicious Selection of Dips for Shabbos
Large Cleveland Heights House for Rent – 3641 Severn Road
Large house for rent 3641 Severn Rd. Bedrooms and bathrooms on first and second floor. Furnished and in immaculate move in condition. Large backyard. Available Feb 1st. Please call 216-272-6610.
HAC Kollel Dvar Halacha – Asarah B’ Teves
Just released is the latest edition of the HAC Kollel Dvar Halacha discussing the mitzvah of Asara B’Teves
Sherel’s Hats & On the Table at Green Road Synagogue
Ohio launches website to help enroll applicants for newly expanded Medicaid program
(Plain Dealer)
The state opened registration Monday for people who beginning in January can get health insurance through an expanded Medicaid program.
Registration is through a new website officials hope most people will use to get enrolled.
The website, Benefits.ohio.gov, asks users a series of questions to determine if they are eligible for Medicaid under the new regulations, and helps them enroll if they are. If they are not eligible, it also provides a link to the federal insurance exchange site, Healthcare.gov.
Chef Dave’s Restaurant Nights
Don’t wait to make your reservations since we often fill up. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Listing of Cleveland Minyanim
Yavneh Seminary – An Amazing Carnival Dec. 15th
Jewel Custom Wigs New Year’s Sale at Mika’s
Personal Training by Chavie Cohen
Help Wanted: Manager of Certification for Meshulachim & Kosher Food Bank PT Work
* Under the auspices of the Vaad Harabanim of Cleveland there is an effort to organize an official certification process in order to offer a local letter of validation for meshulachim. We are looking for someone to manage the process. This will be a paid part time position (a few hours per week). For more details call 216- 245-8756.
* The Kosher Food Bank is looking for temporary / part time computer work and phone solicitation work. It can be 2 separate or one position. Flexible work hours. It might work itself into full time position. Looking for reliable and experienced person. It can be also be a student who comes home from school break, or has extra time while in school. For information call Devorah Alevsky 216-382-1878.
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
The Young Israel Jewish Federation Torah Story (video)
A Torah is among a congregation’s most cherished possessions, containing the foundational narrative of the Jewish people. So when Young Israel of Greater Cleveland learned the Jewish community in Warsaw needed a Torah, they responded by offering one of their own.
“To walk through the streets of Warsaw with this Torah in our arms, and present it to the Jewish community was really special. It was a mitzvah,” said J. David Heller, one of the Federation mission participants who brought the restored Torah from Young Israel in Cleveland to Warsaw, where Jewish life and culture are being revitalized.
Sherel’s Hats & On the Table at Green Road Synagogue
Fuchs Annual Early Childhood Open House
Don’t Miss Lori Palatnik’s Return to Cleveland
Personal Training by Chavie Cohen
CJN’s Jews of Interest: Chavi Cohen
(Cleveland Jewish News)(Ed: Chavi Cohen of Bainbridge Road, Cleveland Heights)
Anyone who meets Chavi Cohen (ed) will quickly learn she has a passion for education reform. The bubbly 28-year-old lights up as she talks about her work with education and the nonprofit sector. It’s no surprise Cohen has a zest for education, as she’s been surrounded by it her entire life.