Chanukah Candelighting at University Hospitals Case 2013
During the eight days of Hanukkah, from Wednesday, Nov. 27th through Thursday, Dec. 5th, there will be a celebratory lighting of the menorah in the Atrium at 5 p.m. A special musical performance featuring Asher Barkin and piano will follow the lighting ceremony on Wednesday, Dec. 4th.
Patients, employees and families are invited to partake in the festivities. Electric menorahs are located in the Atrium and Lerner Tower lobby.
Chef Dave’s Catering Sushi
Chef Dave’s will be offering Sushi for takeout on Tuesdays from 5-7PM and Friday from 12-2PM. To guarantee your order, please have it in by 8PM Sunday & Wednesday evenings. Orders received afterwards will be filled based on availability. Larger platters are available for parties and meetings. Check out our Sushi Menu here >>
An Unbelievable Neighborhood Incident
A reader asked that we publish the following:
“My daughter was walking on Severn Road towards Taylor. She heard a commotion, shouts and hollering -behind her. When she turned around she saw a deer charging straight at her with Jewish young men chasing it from behind with their shouts. She knew not to run, but rather to stand still. B”H the deer veered away from her, and the Jewish youngsters continued chasing it. I don’t know if they saw my daughter, as they were focused on the deer. Dangerous!”
Not much to say here. Can you name all of the “aveiros”/ transgressions in this story?
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Dr. Gilbert Katz, brother of Sydney Katz . The funeral took place Dec 2nd in Memphis. Sydney will be returning to Cleveland to sit shiva at his home, 23751 Timberlane, starting on Tuesday. There will be only a Shacharis Minyan in his house (not Mincha/Maariv). Shacharis will be at 7:15 am Wednesday- Friday, and 8:00 am on Sunday.
Visitation hours are:
American Express $25 Credit with $75 Amazon Purchase
American Express is offering a $25 statement credit when you spend at least $75 at
Just register your eligible American Express Card from now through Dec 3rd. Then spend $75 or more at using the registered card and get a $25 statement credit within 90 days of the end of the promotion. End of promotion is Dec 31, 2013.
Refresh Yourself With Our Hair Services!!
TLC Recovery Program for Compulsive Eating
TLC (To Learn Control) is a Torah based 13 step recovery program for women dealing with compulsive eating. Join us to learn the secrets from Rebbetzin Moskowitz (Rabbi Ezriel Tauber’s daughter) for permanent weight loss and how to feel like the beautiful Bas Melech that Hashem made you. Gain chizuk through readings from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin “My Father My King” and “Conversations with Yourself” as well as “Praying with Fire” by Rabbi Heshy Kleinman.
Meetings are held every Tuesday night 7:30pm – 8:15pm. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, 10 Severance Circle, First Floor ENT section, Conference C. For more information please call Yehudis at (216) 315-0666.
To find out more information and to hear inspiring lectures from Rebbetzin Moskowitz call the TLC HOTLINE (646) 205-1111 Pin Number: 1101#
Chaverim Safety Tips for Chanukah
When lighting the Menorah:
• Never leave Chanukah candles unattended and never go to sleep while Chanukah candles are burning
• Place the menorah on a sturdy heat resistant surface away from anything that can catch fire including walls, curtains, cabinets, wooden and plastic tables, tablecloths, etc
[Read more…]
Tiferes – Renewal for Women
It is renewal time again for Tiferes, the women’s division of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Tiferes offers an opportunity to get together with women on your block every Rosh Chodesh for a beautiful DVD presentation. The focus is on Shalom bayis, chinuch and personal growth. We hear from excellent, well known speakers. To find out more, please call Zahava at 216-321-0282 or e-mail at
Recommendations from the Aaron Garber Library
The latest book recommendations from Ilka Gordon, On Site Director, Aaron Garber Library, 26500 Shaker Boulevard. Library Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-4. Phone 216-371-0446 ext.269
Like Dreamers : the Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation by Yossi Klein Halevi copyright 2013.
Journalist,Yossi Klein Halevi, follows the lives of seven members of the 55th Paratroopers Reserve Brigade who reunified Jerusalem during the Six Day War. The men’s choices in life are extremely diverse. They range from religious Zionism to anti-Zionist terrorism. Hottest new book on the market.
Help Wanted: Plumbing Office
Kosher Food at Chuck E Cheese
Well, only if you bring it! An LJN reader asked us to share that the Chuck E Cheese location in Mayfield Heights has a new policy allowing kosher food to be brought in for paid/ reserved parties. Specific approval from the manager is still required when obtaining the reservation.
Food for thought – More Jews struggle with making ends meet
(Cleveland Jewish News) (Ed: Review of resources available for those in need including Gesher and the Kosher Food Bank.)
During the holidays many families gather around the dinner table to share a large meal with relatives and friends. But for some Jewish families, putting food on the table can be a daily struggle.
According to the 2011 Greater Cleveland Jewish Population Study published by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, 19 percent of Jewish households fall at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, which was $29,000 for a two-person household in 2011.
Take the time to scrape your windshield clear
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
The Diamond family will be sitting Shiva at the home of Randy and Julie Diamond from Thursday morning until Sunday morning. Shacharis on Thursday and Friday will be at 7:00 AM and on Sunday at 8:00 AM.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rosina Brenis, mother of Robert Brenis. The funeral will take place Monday, December 2nd at 10:30am at Berkowitz-Kumin with burial at Mt. Olive Cemetery.
Shiva will be observed at the Brenis home, 14381 Washington Blvd. in University Heights. Visiting hours in the evenings will be Monday through Thursday from7:00pm-9:30pm.
Visiting hours in the morning will be Tuesday through Friday beginning with Shacharit at 7:50 am and continuing until 11:00 am.
Sunday morning Shacharit will be at 8:00am.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
B.G. Sweets Gourmet Popcorn Corporate and Holiday Gifts
Chabad of Downtown Cleveland Annual Chanukah Grand Menorah Lighting
Tehillim and Chizuk for Rosh Chodesh Teves
MONDAY–FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS! Tehillim for Erev Rosh Chodesh Teves and Chizuk over the Phone. Divrei Chizuk by Rebbetzin Zecharia Wallerstein. Time: 1:00PM (NY time). Call-in number: 5860 Access code: 6060 # (pound). The following Perakim, led by Rena Kenarak, will be recited: #20, 46, 83, 121, 130, 142 and 100.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
The Only Out-Of-The-Box Kosher Shaver- Just Released and Only $17!
(Updated October, 2017) Last year we did a post on a new shaver by Norelco that is the first model in a long while that does NOT have the Lift & Cut technology. Why does this matter? Based upon information from (brought below) and the psak of HaRav Dovid Feinstein and other poskim, this shaver is indeed a kosher shaver out-of-the-box. It is available in 2 versions as below. Also please note that offers a free service to “kasher” other models of Norelco shavers that do have the Lift & Cut that needs to be removed.
Philips Norelco 6945XL Electric Razor – basic shaver, kosher as-is, corded, does not have beard trimmer (~$25) (Unavailable as of 2017)
Philips Norelco 6948XL/41 Rechargeable Cordless Razor – kosher as-is, without Lift & Cut technology, rechargeable and has beard trimmer, a great deal (~$34)
Philips Norelco Electric Shaver 1100, S1150/81 – basically same as above but is corded. Costs less (~$24). From my experience, a corded unit, while a little inconvenient is better as inevitably the batteries on these units stop holding a charge after a few years of use and with a cord you always have 100% power.
Friendship Circle Community Chanukah Event
Giving Gifts on Chanukah
(Ed: This is brought as an interesting idea and would be a good starting point for discussion and consultation with your LOR. Source: Hakhel reader)
Other Poskim discuss this and conclude that it is not a problem of chukas akum, as in all likelihood the akum’s minhag of giving gifts on their holidays was taken from us and not vice versa. (See Emes L’Yaakov from Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Z’tl, Siman 670 in the footnote who says this.) The Ponovezer Rav, Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, Z’tl, said that after the Greeks forbade the Jewish children from learning Torah, their parents had to ‘bribe’ them with gifts to get them to learn once again.
Aish HaTorah Russian group meets to bake Chanuka Cookies for the Jewish Homeless Shelter
AMEX Small Business Saturday – November 30th – List of Local Businesses Participating
American Express is offering Card Members the opportunity to get a $10 statement credit (too bad it is not the $25 that it was last year) when they enroll their eligible American Express® Card and then use it to spend $10 or more in a single transaction at a qualifying small business location on Small Business Saturday – Nov. 30th, 2013. Sign up at Below is a list of local merchants participating (Jewish business are only open Motzei Shabbos obviously):