Rose Maternity Clothing for the Frum Jewish Mom-To-Be
We Welcome to Cleveland The Spinka Rebbe Shlita Grand Rabbi Naftali Weisz
Snow Plowing Contracts – 49 Years Serving the Heights Community
LJN Community Calendar
We are very pleased to announce the debut of the LJN Community Calendar. For a long while, schools and organizations have been asking for an Orthodox community-wide calendar to keep track of events and reduce the amount of double-scheduling.
There is now a page known as Community Calendar (link is at the top of the main page) which will list all events posted to LocalJewishNews as well as all events that are submitted . Events posted to LJN will automatically be added to the calendar, but if something is missing please let us know. Our contact is: Also, at the request of the family, simchos (bar-mitzvah, wedding) can be added too. Community members who prefer to not use email can continue to share events with Mrs. Drazin who will in-turn share these to be posted to the web calendar.
So, next time you are running a school function, community event, or lecture, or even a simcha, email details to to be added to this calendar for no charge. Sorry not available for purely business events or sales. Give us a try and let us know what you think!!
Blum’s Paper Goods Corporate Gift Catalog
Hoffman’s Odd Job Services 216 – 633-6593
Scrap removal. Cleaning and organizing, workshop and garage. Debris (light and heavy, carpet, brick) removal. Light moving (you drive, I load).
Referrals to the best deals on landscaping, tree service, and more. Only with honest responsible sub-contractors. Just ask!
In particular right now, let me help you organize and clean your garage so you can park indoors before the snow falls …
Yisroel Hoffman – 3525 Shannon Road, Cleveland Heights, OH – (216) 633-6593
25 Years of Outreach! Jewish Learning Connection Presents A Community Shabbos
Chanukah: How to Teach Your Child to Be An Upstander (Webinar)
New Charity Program from Amazon
Seems like it would be a good idea for Mosdos/ Jewish Charity organizations to give this a look-over. Most legal charities are already available to designate funds, but a sign-up is required by the organization to retrieve these monies.
Friendship Circle Community Chanukah Event
“Turkey Day” – A look at Thanksgiving in Contemporary Halachah – Telshe Lunch and Learn at Ehrenreich & Associates
Mika’s Boutique Now Offering 4 Yoga Classes Per Week – Teenage Girls Welcome
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Helen Pollack, the mother of Yacov Pollack, A”H, sister of Mrs. Hilda Stern and Mrs. Rose Smilovitz. The levaya will take place at Berkowitz Kumin, Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 1PM. Kevura will be at Mount Olive Cemetery. Shiva will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Smilovitz- 4340 University Parkway, details to follow.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Custom-made Chocolate Gifts for Chanukah by Esther Leah Greenberger
Cloud 9 Maternity – Sale – Buy 1 Skirt, Get 50% Off
Explaining the Mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim (Redeeming “Captives”) By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff (
Question #1:
“Recently I saw an advertisement saying that it was pidyon shevuyim to save a child from being raised non-Jewish. But I thought pidyon shevuyim is to free a captive, and these children are with their non-Jewish father.”
Question #2:
“Is there a mitzvah of pidyon shevuyim when someone was captured because he was doing something irresponsible or illegal?”
Zumba With Rozita!
The Human Face of Poverty in the Holy Land (Video)
The following video was shown at the 91st Agudath Israel of America Convention on November 16th, 2013. The video was produced by a collaboration of the Hamodia Daily Newspaper and Kolrom Multimedia. An approximately eight minute film, it delivers a powerful and frightening realistic picture of the rapidly growing poverty in the chareidi community of Eretz Yisrael. To view click the “read more” below and an embedded YouTube viewer will display avoiding the need to be transferred to the YouTube site to view.
Cedar- Green Kollel Thanks to All For Mrs. Kaisman Lecture and CDs Available
Chairs: Fraydie Katz, Revi Schwadron. Co-Chairs: Menucha Fant, Penina Lipton.
Hostesses: Daniella Botnick, Faigie Compton, Aliza Feldman, Batsheva Frankel, Giela
Gellis Bassy Gutman, Francoise Jacobs, Chany Klein, Aliza Koval, Dina Lundner,
A Mench and His Tools
Tehillim Group L’Refuah Shlema for R’ Shimon Dovid Yeshoshua ben Rina
There is a Tehillim group that is in the middle of saying for 40 days for the refua shlema for Shimon Dovid Yehoshua ben Rina. We need more people to sign up to continue saying until the 40 days are finished. We only want people to sign up for what they know they can say every day. Any questions contact View the sign-up form here.
When You Kick A Student Out, Where Do You Think He Will Go?
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran (originally shared at
Walking into Bnos Yisroel in Baltimore, one sees a sign that reads, “Teaching Students, not Subjects.” When the Baltimore Jewish Times reported on the school, they found that the school did much more than simply pay lip service to a sentiment many educators would be quick to say they support. Rabbi Amster noted that at Bnos, that sense “permeates everything that we do…”
There are those who might argue that such a “soft” sentiment is fine for a girls yeshiva, but for boys? For boys, one needs a stronger hand.
Refresh Yourself With Our Hair Services!!
Gold Family Films Extras Needed
TLC Recovery Program for Compulsive Eating
TLC (To Learn Control) is a Torah based 13 step recovery program for women dealing with compulsive eating. Join us to learn the secrets from Rebbetzin Moskowitz (Rabbi Ezriel Tauber’s daughter) for permanent weight loss and how to feel like the beautiful Bas Melech that Hashem made you. Gain chizuk through readings from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin “My Father My King” and “Conversations with Yourself” as well as “Praying with Fire” by Rabbi Heshy Kleinman.
Meetings are held every Tuesday night 7:30pm – 8:15pm. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, 10 Severance Circle, First Floor ENT section, Conference C. For more information please call Yehudis at (216) 315-0666.
To find out more information and to hear inspiring lectures from Rebbetzin Moskowitz call the TLC HOTLINE (646) 205-1111 Pin Number: 1101#
A+ Learning and Development Centers – Peterson Scholarship Assistance
The Ohio Department of Education is offering the Jon Peterson Scholarship for all private school students who are eligible to receive an IEP. This scholarship can be used to fund tutoring, remedial instruction, speech and occupational therapies, and other IEP services, up to $20,000. Contact Hadassa Meyers at A+ Learning and Development Centers to start your application – 216-896-0111 or
We will work with you and your school to meet the needs of your child. We are currently serving students on this scholarship at Hebrew Academy, Gross Schechter and Mosdos, as well as students who are Home Schooled or in other private educational settings. The application period closes November 15th. Contact us immediately to begin the process.
For more details, please see our website