Fall Brochos Contest
Time Running Out to Submit Absentee Ballot Request
People should take local elections as seriously, or even more seriously than national or even statewide elections. Local elections show the power of our community (or lack thereof) as the outcomes are often decided by fewer votes and turnout is much lower. In particular the election this November 5th will greatly affect how our cities are run (via selection of mayors, council, School Board) as well as our pocketbooks (annual taxes could increase by over $400 for the average homeowner in CH-UH). So vote!!
If you know that you are not going to be able to make it to the polls next Tuesday, consider sending in ASAP an application for an absentee ballot. At this point there are no guarantees that you will receive the ballot, but it is worth a try. The application needs to be received by this weekend, and you need to receive the ballot by mail in-time, and then your completed absentee ballot needs to be postmarked the day before the election. The Board of Elections does try hard in this last week to have a quick turn-around. If in the end it does not work out, you can still vote as normal at the polls. Click here to download the application >>
Bella Bein Running Half Marathon for Kids for Courage
“This Coming January 2014, I will be God willing running the Half Marathon in Nassau -Paradise Island, Bahamas with Kids of Courage!! This will be my 5th half marathon that I am running and raising money in memory of My father Shmuel Yitzchok Hakoen Bein Z”L and my brother Abraham Chaim Zev Hakoen Bein Z”L that many of you knew as Ace! Kids of Courage is a “Groundbreaking volunteer centric organization, dedicated to the support of sick children and their families, day and night, 365 days a year. Founded in 2008, Kids of Courage is committed to change the way people look at illness, and open up a world of support, hope and opportunity for every sick child and family, no matter how serious the diagnosis is.” Please help by sponsoring me, and remember no amount is ever to small!!! Thank You!!”
World-wide Live Broadcast of the Siyum Maseches Pesachim
Tree of Knowledge Coming Soon to Cleveland Heights!!
Agnon’s Early Childhood Program Presents “Let’s Talk About It”
EVENT Agnon’s Early Childhood Program Presents “Let’s Talk About It”
Featuring Stephanie Saad, Speech and Language Pathologist
DATE & TIME Sun., Nov. 10, 2013 ● 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ● Parents Only
Sun., Nov. 24, 2013 ● 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ● Parents Only
Sun., Dec. 15, 2013 ● 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ● Parents & Children
Cedar – Green Kollel Women’s Divison Presents Illusions: The Nachash & Walt Disney
Zecher Yemos Olam-Torah U’Mesorah Holocaust Mini-seminar for Teachers
RCCS 2013 Miracles Auction Preview & Mini Local Chinese Auction
Cloud 9 Maternity
RCCS 2013 Miracles Auction Preview & Mini Local Chinese Auction
Is Seeing Red Kosher?
Is Seeing Red Kosher?
By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff – RabbiKaganoff.com
Eisav is often associated with the color red, which provides an opportunity for the following halacha question: Is a red food color that is manufactured from animal material kosher? Indeed, the master artisans building the Mishkan used a dye, tola’as shani, which is often assumed to be the “blood” of an insect, in the manufacture of the Kohen Gadol’s vestments. Was this color kosher? This color was also used to dye the curtains and coverings of the Mishkan. In addition, processing the ashes of the parah adumah (Bamidbar 19:6), purifying a metzora and decontaminating a house that became tamei all use tola’as shani (Vayikra 14:4, 49). As we will discover, correctly identifying the tola’as shani not only affects these halachos and those of the Beis Hamikdash, but also concerns a wide assortment of foods and beverages that we eat and drink.
Got an extra $300 per year? VOTE FOR ACCOUNTABILITY, NO ON ISSUE 81
(Reader submitted)
If you value your hard earned money, vote NO on Issue 81. The facts are these: The CH-UH School district is in the top 5 in expenditures per student in the state, averaging $18,461 per student (2010-2011 school year). According to Ohio State Report Cards our school district failed to meet basic standards on State Proficiency Tests. Let me repeat that, our school district received an F on Indicators Met on State Tests. Do you want to continue throwing your hard earned money at failing schools? The school board has failed to justify the money it already taxes us, and now has the audacity to ask for more. This new tax will enrich the teachers’ unions and building contractors, while doing nothing to improve academic standards. There is no justification for it. Vote for accountability, vote NO on issue 81. Yard signs are available, email sholomy@gmail.com.
Chef Dave’s Catering Restaurant Nights
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of the brother of Rabbi Nosson Tzvi (Hershel) Baron. He will be sitting Shiva in his home, 2606 Bishop Road in Wickliffe until Friday afternoon. Shacharis 7:30am, Mincha 3:15pm, Maariv 9:50pm. Visitors are asked to refrain from coming 4pm-6:30pm and after 11:00pm.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim
Update on Healthy Relationship FREE Seminar With Rabbi Yosef Heinemann
I would like to thank the community for the very positive feedback that I received. Based on the feedback, it has been suggested that I alone give the lecture and couples can come learn and grow at no cost. In addition, an anonymous donor, who recognizes the importance of this work, has pledged to pay the first 15 couples who participate $20 for carfare babysitting or whatever.
You know, I got a new car a little while ago and after some time the brakes weren’t working so well. I went to the mechanic and he told me “Yeh, brakes wear out and you need new ones” I was beside myself! This is what happens to a good car? He said “Yeh, it’s just regular maintenance.
[Read more…]
Connect with Telshe Lunch & Learn – October 28th
peri ELI Fall Huge Selection
All City Candy hopes to hit sweet spot
(Cleveland Jewish News)
(Ed: This store is not under kosher supervision but carries a wide-range of Jelly Belly products and claims to have a selection of kosher candies.)
Richmond Heights is about to get a little sweeter.
All City Candy, a new 5,000-square-foot retail candy store on Richmond Road, will debut at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 26 with a grand opening celebration.
Susan’s Suggestions for the Elections – Tuesday November 5, 2013 (Updated)
(Click here to download as an easy-to-print PDF) (Ed: Voting suggestions and voting guides are welcomed from other readers too!)
Includes updated information with regard to Issue 80 based on reader feedback and further research.
As always, I offer these suggestions because of the importance of casting an informed vote. For our community to count, our votes must be countable, and we have a responsibility to our greater community and a mitzvah to show up and vote. Local elections in many ways effect our daily living in an up close and personal way and are therefore just as important if not more so than national ones. However, unlike national elections, absentee ballot request forms will not automatically be mailed to your home. Those requests can be made through Board of Elections, or else plan to show up at your precinct on Election Day.
By popular demand, in order to make viewing easier, this guide consists of two sections: The Quick Voting version followed by the Expanded Explanations.
JVOTE’s Endorsements for Cleveland Heights City Council
Visit the JVOTE Web Site to view a list of specific questions and answers provided.
Community Connections Evening
RCCS 2013 Miracles Auction Preview & Mini Local Chinese Auction
AMIT Pre-Winter Sale
The Chossid from Harvard
The Jewish Learning Connection will host Rabbi Yaakov Wenglin, ‘The Chossid from Harvard” this coming Sunday, Oct. 27, at 8:00.
Rabbi Wenglin, a popular speaker in Jerusalem will speak on Satisfying Your Deepest Desires. Open to men and women.
Now Your Kids Can Also Learn the Daf
(Ed: I saw this recently and thought it was a cute and effective concept, but have not tried it since my oldest is not ready for Daf Yomi :>. One of the most beautiful things about Torah is its ability to connect different generations and this certainly tries to do this.)
Daf Yomi 4 Kids is a printable monthly e-publication (in PDF format) for children ages 6 to 14 that follows the Daf Yomi cycle established by Rabbi Meir Shapiro in 1923. Each double sided page of Daf Yomi 4 Kids corresponds to the daf (Talmud folio) being studied in Daf Yomi. Click here for a sample of the first issue.
Daf Yomi 4 Kids has won the esteem of top rabbis and Jewish educational experts.
The colorful, easy-to-understand content of Daf Yomi 4 Kids ensures it will be a hit with children and educators alike. Children will be so captivated they will not even realize they are learning!
Bus to Toronto
Yavne High School will be chartering a bus to Toronto. The bus will be leaving at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 7th and returning at 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 10th. Any women or girls who would like a seat on the bus should call the Yavne office at (216)691-5838 ext.100. The cost for the round trip will be $100 per person.
URGENT: Many families without heat and power for Shabbos
Due to the recent storms many families are without power and are unlikely to have the power returned any time soon.
An effort is being organized to solicit families able to host as well as families requiring hosting. The need is great and many local community organizations are being stretched to their limits to help. In particular, Cleveland Heights residents seem to be hit particularly hard.
Please contact Mrs. Drazin if you can offer a place or if you need one, or if you can cook for Shabbos.
Housing and food situations are available so do not be shy to ask!
Try these numbers: 216-321-9393, 216-321-9614, or 216-409-6804. Whatever you can do will make a big difference!