Wishing all of our LJN readers a great Yom Tov! There will be no business postings all of Sukkos, just some Chol HaMoed related postings.
Words of Caution About the Holiness of the Sukkah From the Chofetz Chaim
Telshe Yeshiva Simchas Beis Hashoeva
Raw Honey From the Beekeeper Amalia Haas
Available from Amalia Haas, Beachwood Beekeeper,for Chag HaSukkot & throughout the Year.
4 oz – $4, 8 oz – $6, 16 oz – $12, 24 oz – $18
Honey Straws – 25c/each or $6/25
HoneyBeeJewish@gmail.com – E-mail
Or call 554-1328 or drop by 2376 Beachwood Blvd. My honey is also at Frank’s Hebrew Bookstore. Chag Sameach!
Women’s Simchat Torah Program
Sefardi Sukkot Tefillot
After some of the most well-attended and heartfelt davening the Cleveland Sephardic Minyan has seen, we are planning Sukkot tefillot for both days & nights. Please plan to join us
- Wednesday 9/18 at 7:10pm for Erev Sukkot Mincha/Arvit
- Thursday 9/19 at 8:30am for Sukkot day 1 Shacharit
All services will be held at Green Road Synagogue, 2437 South Green Rd. in Beachwood.
Make Up By Design 10% Off Yom Tov Sale!
Fun ‘n’ Stuff Specials for Sukkos 2013
A Matter of Chance
Jacob’s Judaic & Simcha Yosef Mann Esrog & Sukkah Center
Free upgrade to a deri lulav with purchase of esrog 125.00 or more. Also a free upgrade is available to all klay kodesh. This is in addition to a special discount for all klay kodesh. Chinuch sets for children under bar mitzvah are available for 39.00 for a limited time based on availability. We also have aleph aleph hadassim available.
5 Things to Have in Mind First Night of Sukkos (with translation)
When you eat your first kezais of challah in the sukkah on the first night of Yom Tov- the important things to keep in mind.
This was based on a shiur by Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld, shlita and composed by a community member l’ilui nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Nasan Nota and Shaindel Riva bas Yisroel Nason Nota HaCohen.
Requests were made for an English Translation which appears below:
House for Sale University Heights – 4473 Baintree
(Full picture gallery below)
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Eruv Tavshilin!!! Start thinking about it so you do not forget…
Eruv Tavshilin!!!Eruv Tavshilin!!!Eruv Tavshilin!!!Eruv Tavshilin!!!Eruv Tavshilin!!!
Enough said. If you need a reminder, print out this handy sign and put it your fridge or even your door. It contains a reminder in bold print and a review of the basic halachos.
HAC Kollel Dvar Halacha – First Night of Sukkos
Just released is the latest edition of the HAC Kollel Dvar Halacha discussing the mitzvah of eating a kazayis on the first night of Sukkos.
Mosdos Ohr HaTorah Sukkah Decoration Sale
First Days of Sukkos at Beis Doniel
NINE Beautiful Posters for Sukkos
TLC Recovery Program for Compulsive Eating
TLC (To Learn Control) is a Torah based 13 step recovery program for women dealing with compulsive eating. Join us to learn the secrets from Rebbetzin Moskowitz (Rabbi Ezriel Tauber’s daughter) for permanent weight loss and how to feel like the beautiful Bas Melech that Hashem made you. Gain chizuk through readings from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin “My Father My King” and “Conversations with Yourself” as well as “Praying with Fire” by Rabbi Heshy Kleinman.
Meetings are held every Tuesday night 7:30pm – 8:15pm. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, 10 Severance Circle, First Floor ENT section, Conference C. For more information please call Yehudis at (216) 315-0666.
To find out more information and to hear inspiring lectures from Rebbetzin Moskowitz call the TLC HOTLINE (646) 205-1111 Pin Number: 1101#
It’s a 3 Day Yom Tov .. Do you have your bottle of Spray ‘n Set?
Fun ‘n’ Stuff Specials for Sukkos 2013
Mika’s – Back to School Special for the Month of September
3-Day Yom Tov and Carbon Monoxide – Be Aware! Safety Tips
(Chaverim, LocalJewishNews)
(From a Chicago community member)
This past Shabbos morning (the third day of the “three day Yom Tov”) I was awakened by the sound of the carbon monoxide alarm announcing high levels. We immediately cleared everyone out of the house and had the fire department summoned. When they arrived, they informed me that the cause of the high carbon monoxide levels was due to leaving the stove and oven on over Yom Tov and Shabbos. The buildup of these dangerous fumes was not due to a faulty gas line or leaking appliances, but rather to the lack of adequate ventilation.
Cloud 9 Maternity Sale
Shopping at Blum’s Is As Easy as A … B … C
Please note our extended hours:
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California Chabad Bomber Dies in Federal Custody
A homeless man accused of setting off a bomb outside a Southern California Chabad House has died in federal custody.
Ron Hirsch, 62, who set off the bomb in April 2011 at the Santa Monica Chabad House, died last month at a federal medical center in North Carolina, the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles reported … Hirsch was arrested four days later in a suburban Cleveland synagogue and Jewish center by the FBI and local police shortly after evening prayers as he sat studying from a Jewish text. A local rabbi had recognized his photo from a Jewish website.
Creative Chocolates Launches A NEW WEBSITE
Just in time for Yom Tov, Creative Chocolates is please to announce our new website creativechocs.com Click on the link and get a mouthwatering view of beautiful chocolates available from Creative Chocolates. These are but a few samples of chocolate confections that are available for your own enjoyment or as a delectable gift for family or friends.
Blum’s Erev Succos and Chol Ha’Moed Hours
Gymnastics Lessons!!
Jacob’s Judaic & Simcha Yosef Mann Esrog & Sukkah Center
Free upgrade to a deri lulav with purchase of esrog 125.00 or more. Also a free upgrade is available to all klay kodesh. This is in addition to a special discount for all klay kodesh. Chinuch sets for children under bar mitzvah are available for 39.00 for a limited time based on availability. We also have aleph aleph hadassim available.