TLC (To Learn Control) is a Torah based 13 step recovery program for women dealing with compulsive eating. Join us to learn the secrets from Rebbetzin Moskowitz (Rabbi Ezriel Tauber’s daughter) for permanent weight loss and how to feel like the beautiful Bas Melech that Hashem made you. Gain chizuk through readings from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin “My Father My King” and “Conversations with Yourself” as well as “Praying with Fire” by Rabbi Heshy Kleinman.
Meetings are held every Tuesday night 7:30pm – 8:15pm. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, 10 Severance Circle, First Floor ENT section, Conference C. For more information please call Yehudis at (216) 315-0666.
To find out more information and to hear inspiring lectures from Rebbetzin Moskowitz call the TLC HOTLINE (646) 205-1111 Pin Number: 1101#