New Classes Online for Yomim Noraim from Rabbi Labinsky at Becoming Divine
These are entitled “Becoming Divine in Marriage: Growing Through Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succos- Theory & Practice”. Also note another useful section entitled “Growing Through Elul.” Click here to listen to free >>
Vasikin Rosh Hashana Minyan in Cleveland Heights
There will once again be a Vasikin Minyan for both days Rosh Hashanah in Cleveland Heights. To reserve a seat or for more information please call Eli Graiser (216) 973-7833.
Malke Kaplovitz Is Back for the 26th Year – Extended Hours Available!
Home-bound Yidden on Rosh HaShana
As a service to the likely many elderly and sick who are not able to leave their homes to hear shofar on Rosh Hashana, we had an idea that we would create a list of those who would be willing to blow shofar for these people in the community.
Once we have received some volunteers we would then share these names with the public on LJN and then they could be contacted and arrangements be made to facilitate these home visits. Ideally one should contact their shul first, so this service would be most focused on those who are not affiliated or the shul cannot accommodate.
Blum’s – Baking for Yom Tov? Of Course You Are!
Gali’s Couture Wigs This Wednesday! or Call Peshi for an Appointment
Telshe Yeshiva Elul Yarchei Kallah 5773
Aware of its responsibility as the wellspring of Torah and Yiras Shomayim for the entire Cleveland Jewish community, Telshe Yeshiva has created forums for learning throughout the neighborhoods. Our monthly “Lunch & Learn” sessions, held in downtown Cleveland and in Commerce Park in Beachwood, bring a refreshing injection of Torah into the workday, while other shiurim provide the opportunity to meet and connect with the Roshei HaYeshiva and Rebbeim of Telshe. Thus, in conjunction with Agudath Israel of Cleveland, the Yeshiva will host an Elul Yarchei Kallah day of learning on Labor Day, Monday, September 2. You are invited to come and spend your morning together with us, in Elul, within the walls of the Telshe Beis Hamedrash and experience Torah learning in this most holy and auspicious time of the year.
Community-wide Memorial Service to Remember and Honor the Six Million Jews
Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
Zion Memorial Park, Bedford Heights
5461 Northfield Road (on the corner of
Rockside Road and Northfield Road)
Please join the Kol Israel Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland for a community-wide Memorial Service to remember and honor the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
Sushi in The Sukkah
Abby’s Soups & Salads Rosh HaShanah Simonim Trays for Cong Zichron Chaim 5774
Make it a Sweet New Year with gourmet hand-dipped chocolates from Chocolate Emporium! New Harvest Bark!
Make it a Sweet New Year with gourmet hand-dipped chocolates from Chocolate Emporium. Star-K Pareve. Nut-Free and Pas Yisroel available!
New for 5774: Harvest Bark – Rich and creamy pareve dark and ivory chocolate loaded with dried apples, pears and apricots and topped with dried pomegranate seeds and a touch of crystallized ginger. Come in and ask for a sample!
Orders to be shipped must be placed by Tuesday, August 27th. Orders for local delivery should be placed by Friday, August 30th. Orders for pick-up should be placed by Sunday, September 1st. A great variety of gift boxes, baskets and trays will be available for purchase in our store as well.
Come in to the store or check out our Yom Tov web page here to see our great selection! Orders may be placed online, by phone or in person.
Shanah Tovah!
People Don’t Change – Do They??
I never live up to my New Year’s resolutions. So this Rosh Hashanah, why bother trying? By Rebbetzin Feige Twerski.
Dear Rebbetzin Twerski,
Every year Rosh Hashanah comes around and I commit to changing something, and by the year’s end, I see I’m the same person. It’s hard to take myself seriously anymore and muster up the commitment to try to change again this year. How can I really make this year different?
— On The Verge of Giving Up
Message from Dan from Jerusalem Grill
I can also be of service at Bar or Bat Mitzvahs or for a Bris. Please do not hesitate to call Dan at 216-324-7958″
Don’t Miss the Yemei Rachamim and Yemei Ratzon (Days of Mercy and Days of Will)
HaRav Mattisyahu Salomon, Shlita, recently gave an essential Shiur to explain the extreme significance of the period we are in. Elul is not a time period that was discovered 200 years ago, 500 years ago or even 1,000 years ago. Rather, it was Moshe Rabbeinu himself who demonstrated the power of Elul to us, as through his Tefillos during this time he was able to bring the Luchos Sheniyos and the Torah back to this world. HaRav Salomon brings from HaRav Aharon Kotler, Z’tl, that people mistakenly believe that when we exclaim on the night of Yom Kippur “VaYomer Hashem Salachti Kedvarecha”–that we are referring to the Tefillos that we are about to begin reciting on Yom Kippur. However, it is really the process of our Tefillos over the 40 days from Rosh Chodesh Elul that bring about our forgiveness on Yom Kippur.
Become a Partner With Gold Family Films “The Perfect Prayer”
Using the crowd-sourcing power of Jewcer, Gold Family Films, the maker of Jewish-themed video entertainment is seeking partners in their future ventures.
Visit here for more information including a helpful video about what they are all about.
Gali’s Couture Wigs This Wednesday! or Call Peshi for an Appointment
Emunah: Finding Gratitude, Hope, and Purpose in Challenging Times with Giela Gellis
Moving Sale Thursday, August 29th- 3576 Berkeley
Moving Sale Items
Dining table
Leather dining room chairs
[Read more…]
Accident on Shannon Road on Sunday
Sometime on August 25th around 4 o’clock a blue Corolla hit a parked car and may not have realized that some damage was caused to the parked vehicle. If you can help to identify the driver please email
Traffic Violations Defended – DUI – Speeding – Accidents
Shaul Baruch Janes at Motorcars – Find your automobile shidduch!
Some Cleveland Heights residents surprised by, object to tax assessment for street lighting and repairs
A rate increase in special assessments charged for street lighting and road repairs has some residents questioning city hall.
The city since 1978 has assessed fees to residents’ property taxes to pay for lighting and repairs. This year, City Council passed a rate increase, from $1.80 to $2 per foot of street frontage. The new rate will be in effect for three years, which will mean an additional $8-$10 per property owner, said Finance Director Tom Raguz.
The Look of Michael Aram Has Arrived at Blum’s
Beginner’s Piano Lessons
Tip Tap Toe – Just Arrived Stunning Selection of Shabbos Shoes
Give Your Child The Help She Deserves
Chartered Bus for Bochrim from NY/ NJ to Cleveland Motzei Yom Kippur
Chartered bus being arranged for bochrim from both NY & NJ to Cleveland.
For more details, please call Yehudis Newman @ (216) 470 8772.