Sublet Our 2 Bedroom in Yerushalayim
Looking to sublet our two bedroom suite in Lev Yerushalayim that sleeps up to six in November and December. 2 bedrooms with living room/dining area and kitchenette. Daily maid service! Amazing location in the center of Jerusalem. $600 per week. Contact Barbara Senders at
Malke Kaplovitz Is Back for the 26th Year – Extended Hours Available!
Incredible Photo from the Siyum HaShas

Minivan for Sale – 2008 Toyota Sienna
2008 Toyota Sienna LE. Just 76100 Miles! Excellent Condition – (based on KBB definition).
2 Power Doors – Power Driver Seat – NEW TIRES – 2/7/13 at 68,264 miles.
All maintenance done on-time by Motorcars Toyota in Cleveland Heights. $13, 400. Contact,
More pictures below:
Congregation Shomre Shabbos New Learning and Davening On Shabbos
Congregation Shomre Shabbos would like to announce exciting new changes and learning opportunities for Shabbos morning.
We have two minyanim:
1. Our Hashkama Minyan at 8:00 in our downstairs Bais HaMedrash and,
2. A 9:00 Minyan in the upstairs shul. We happily announce that we have created more seating at the Hashkama minyan to solve a space issue in the past.
Each minyan has a chumash shiur. The Hashkama Minyan shiur is given by Rabbi Reuven Gerson after davening and Kiddush. The shiur starts at approximately 10:15
Rabbi Yitzchok Margareten gives his chumash shiur prior to the 9:00 minyan. That shiur begins at 8:25 a.m.
If you so desire,come learn with a chavrusa before the 9:00 minyan upstairs or after the Hashkama minyan in the Bais HaMedrash
Each minyan has a short Dvar Torah delivered each week before laining. Our Morah D’Asrah, Harav Yisroel Grumer, Shlita, speaks before Musaf each Shabbos Mevorchim at the 9:00 Minyan and the week before Shabbos Mevorchin at the Hashkama Minyan
We look forward to welcoming you as you join us for whichever schedule works best for you.
Abby’s Soups & Salads Rosh Hashanah Menu – Last Chance!
Last Chance! To order email or call 216-276-9213
To ensure that we are not sold out of the item that you would like to order, please order by August 30th. Delivery on all orders over $75 will be FREE. Pick – Up for smaller orders will be from 2pm to 4pm on September 4th at 2452 Claver Road in University Heights. Please do not get out or your car – just call 216-276-9213 and your order will be brought right to your car.
Mini Mock Crab Cakes– Made with multi colored peppers, dill, and a special blend of seasonings, each cake is about the size of a golf ball. 5 Cakes- $10.50 or 10 Cakes – $19.99.
Moroccan White Fish with Peppers and Cilantro– Large chunks of white fish with red and green peppers in an ethnic red sauce with turmeric, paprika, lemon juice, and cilantro. Medium – $8.50 or Large – $16.50
Tossed Salads – All Tossed Salads come unmixed, you just mix the individually bagged ingredients together before serving. The portions are generous, for example if you have 4 adults and 3 children, 4 servings will be enough for your.
Blum’s – Where You Can Find a Beautiful Yom Tov and Shabbos Tablecloth
Cleveland Heights Meet and Greet For New City Manager
(Ed: The City Manager is an important position and it would be a good idea for residents to make a nice showing.)
The entire community is invited to attend a welcome reception for the new Cleveland Heights City Manager, Tanisha R. Briley. The “Meet and Greet” event will be held Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Atrium, 40 Severance Circle.
Briley, who previously served as an assistant city administrator for the City of Davenport, Iowa, began her duties in Cleveland Heights on August 1, 2013. Join us for a warm, community welcome for our new City Manager!
Refreshments will be served. For more information regarding this event, contact Community Relations at 216-291-2323 or .
N’Shei Agudas Yisroel Parshas Nitzavim-V’Yelech WIth Rabbi Yehuda Blum, shlita
Gali’s Couture Wigs This Wednesday! or Call Peshi for an Appointment
Peri Eli Skirts Now Available at Head Shoulders Toes & Bows
Now at a second convenient location, Esti Zimberg’s Peri Eli skirts are now available in University Heights!
~ For every $50 you spend in the store, get a $5 gift certificate toward your next purchase! ~
Pea Bee & Jae women’s and girls shells are also available in a HUGE selection of colors, sizes, sleeve lengths and materials!
Many, many gorgeous headbands, clips, berets, and tichels. Large selection of girls uniform and shabbos socks.
Beautiful merchandise has been arriving daily!
Give Shayna Kessler a call at 216-373-3666 to let us know you’re coming! [Read more…]
Mika’s – Limited inventory of fabulous sheitels! $300 off!
Taylor Road Synagogue High Holy Day Services
New Classes Online for Yomim Noraim from Rabbi Labinsky at Becoming Divine

These are entitled “Becoming Divine in Marriage: Growing Through Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succos- Theory & Practice”. Also note another useful section entitled “Growing Through Elul.” Click here to listen to free >>
Vasikin Rosh Hashana Minyan in Cleveland Heights
There will once again be a Vasikin Minyan for both days Rosh Hashanah in Cleveland Heights. To reserve a seat or for more information please call Eli Graiser (216) 973-7833.
Malke Kaplovitz Is Back for the 26th Year – Extended Hours Available!
Home-bound Yidden on Rosh HaShana
As a service to the likely many elderly and sick who are not able to leave their homes to hear shofar on Rosh Hashana, we had an idea that we would create a list of those who would be willing to blow shofar for these people in the community.
Once we have received some volunteers we would then share these names with the public on LJN and then they could be contacted and arrangements be made to facilitate these home visits. Ideally one should contact their shul first, so this service would be most focused on those who are not affiliated or the shul cannot accommodate.
Blum’s – Baking for Yom Tov? Of Course You Are!
Gali’s Couture Wigs This Wednesday! or Call Peshi for an Appointment
Telshe Yeshiva Elul Yarchei Kallah 5773
Aware of its responsibility as the wellspring of Torah and Yiras Shomayim for the entire Cleveland Jewish community, Telshe Yeshiva has created forums for learning throughout the neighborhoods. Our monthly “Lunch & Learn” sessions, held in downtown Cleveland and in Commerce Park in Beachwood, bring a refreshing injection of Torah into the workday, while other shiurim provide the opportunity to meet and connect with the Roshei HaYeshiva and Rebbeim of Telshe. Thus, in conjunction with Agudath Israel of Cleveland, the Yeshiva will host an Elul Yarchei Kallah day of learning on Labor Day, Monday, September 2. You are invited to come and spend your morning together with us, in Elul, within the walls of the Telshe Beis Hamedrash and experience Torah learning in this most holy and auspicious time of the year.
Community-wide Memorial Service to Remember and Honor the Six Million Jews
Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
Zion Memorial Park, Bedford Heights
5461 Northfield Road (on the corner of
Rockside Road and Northfield Road)
Please join the Kol Israel Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland for a community-wide Memorial Service to remember and honor the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
Sushi in The Sukkah
Abby’s Soups & Salads Rosh HaShanah Simonim Trays for Cong Zichron Chaim 5774
Make it a Sweet New Year with gourmet hand-dipped chocolates from Chocolate Emporium! New Harvest Bark!
Make it a Sweet New Year with gourmet hand-dipped chocolates from Chocolate Emporium. Star-K Pareve. Nut-Free and Pas Yisroel available!
New for 5774: Harvest Bark – Rich and creamy pareve dark and ivory chocolate loaded with dried apples, pears and apricots and topped with dried pomegranate seeds and a touch of crystallized ginger. Come in and ask for a sample!
Orders to be shipped must be placed by Tuesday, August 27th. Orders for local delivery should be placed by Friday, August 30th. Orders for pick-up should be placed by Sunday, September 1st. A great variety of gift boxes, baskets and trays will be available for purchase in our store as well.
Come in to the store or check out our Yom Tov web page here to see our great selection! Orders may be placed online, by phone or in person.
Shanah Tovah!
People Don’t Change – Do They??
I never live up to my New Year’s resolutions. So this Rosh Hashanah, why bother trying? By Rebbetzin Feige Twerski.
Dear Rebbetzin Twerski,
Every year Rosh Hashanah comes around and I commit to changing something, and by the year’s end, I see I’m the same person. It’s hard to take myself seriously anymore and muster up the commitment to try to change again this year. How can I really make this year different?
— On The Verge of Giving Up
Message from Dan from Jerusalem Grill
I can also be of service at Bar or Bat Mitzvahs or for a Bris. Please do not hesitate to call Dan at 216-324-7958″
Don’t Miss the Yemei Rachamim and Yemei Ratzon (Days of Mercy and Days of Will)
HaRav Mattisyahu Salomon, Shlita, recently gave an essential Shiur to explain the extreme significance of the period we are in. Elul is not a time period that was discovered 200 years ago, 500 years ago or even 1,000 years ago. Rather, it was Moshe Rabbeinu himself who demonstrated the power of Elul to us, as through his Tefillos during this time he was able to bring the Luchos Sheniyos and the Torah back to this world. HaRav Salomon brings from HaRav Aharon Kotler, Z’tl, that people mistakenly believe that when we exclaim on the night of Yom Kippur “VaYomer Hashem Salachti Kedvarecha”–that we are referring to the Tefillos that we are about to begin reciting on Yom Kippur. However, it is really the process of our Tefillos over the 40 days from Rosh Chodesh Elul that bring about our forgiveness on Yom Kippur.
Become a Partner With Gold Family Films “The Perfect Prayer”
Using the crowd-sourcing power of Jewcer, Gold Family Films, the maker of Jewish-themed video entertainment is seeking partners in their future ventures.
Visit here for more information including a helpful video about what they are all about.