Wanted Short Term House Rental & Boarding-Work Exchange
* A family from Lakewood wishes to rent a house in the Beachwood area for 10 days right after Tisha B’Av. Please contact Sara Kletter at 216 382 7154 or 347 431 5005 or email mchamberg@att.net.
* John Carroll senior, female, is looking to exchange single room for housework or childcare for the 2013-2014 year. Home must be within walking distance of John Carroll University. Student is a vegan and will abide by kashrut laws. Student has been employed at Chocolate Emporium for the last two years. For further information, please call Ronnie Stavsky at the Chocolate Emporium – 216-382-0140.
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation 9 Av Worldwide Event 5773
Telshe Lunch and Learn This Thursday
URGENT: Suspect Bothering Children In Our Neighborhoods
(Ed: The title of this posting has been change to remove the word, “abductor” based on the fact that there has been no confirmation of any incidents in which the suspect approached or made any physical movements towards children.)
ADDITIONAL UPDATE FROM 6/30: Click here >>
UPDATE: There has been a lot of action regarding this situation over the last 48 hours. Police in CH and other areas are taking this situation very seriously. Frequent surveillance and even undercover agents have been put into place. This posting has received over 12k views and seems to be getting a lot of attention so the word is getting out all over the county. One reason that there have been so many views is that there may be activity from the suspect in other neighborhoods too, possibly as far away as Lakewood.
However, it should be stated that there was an error in that our initial reporting indicated that he has physically “lured” children. This was not based on any real reports, just community back-and-forth. He is not doubt dangerous, and to be taken very seriously but so far he has followed, made faces, spoken to young female children, but not actually gotten out of his car.
Halachos of The Three Weeks
HaRav Yisroel Dov Webster, Shlita, noted Posek, Dayan–Shaarei Mishpat, and author of The Halachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth, gives a Hakhel Halacha Shiur in Boro Park. We provide below a review by Rabbi Webster of the Halachos of The Three Weeks, which begins today. As with all Halachos, in case of one’s particular circumstances, he/she should consult with their own Rav or Posek:
House for Sale – Cleveland Heights
Chef Dave’s Restaurant Nights
Chef Dave’s Catering will once again be hosting Restaurant Nights from Monday July 1 – Thursday July 4. Please see the attached menu or www.ChefDavesCatering.com for complete details.
We do have limited seating, so we strongly recommend making a reservation. We can usually accommodate special dietary requests such as vegetarian and gluten-free, so please ask when you make your reservation.
What’s the brocho on Dolce de Leche Cheerios?
WHAT IS THE BRACHA? According to the OU (which gives the Hashgacha), the bracha to be recited on Dolce De Leche Cheerios is Shehakol and Borei Nefashos.
This is true in spite of the fact that the primary ingredients include Whole Grain Corn and Whole Grain Oats! How important it is to investigate the bracha!
Click here to view a listing of other cereals and brochos >>
Moving Sale
Camp Chabad of Cleveland
Using Jewish Values to Raise Resilient, Reponsible and Independent Children
Help Wanted: PT Driver
Looking for someone to drive a 15- seater van twice a week from Cleveland heights to Beachwood to assist with driving for a back yard camp. The driver will be paid. If you have experience driving a 15 seater and you are interested please call Chani Wolovitz 216 6958729.
Halachos of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz
HaRav Yisroel Dov Webster, Shlita, noted Posek, Dayan–Shaarei Mishpat, and author of The Halachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth, gives a Hakhel Halacha Shiur in Boro Park. We provide below a review by Rabbi Webster of the Halachos of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz, which begins this evening. As with all Halachos, in case of one’s particular circumstances, he/she should consult with their own Rav or Posek:
Hanoch Teller Speaks on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz
Renowned speaker Hanoch Teller will speak on Tuesday, Shiva Asar B’Tamuz, at 7:30 pm at the Jewish Learning Connection Waxman Torah Center, 2195 South Green Road on “What’s Wrong With this Picture? An Introduction to The Three Weeks” Men and Women are invited. Mincha will follow at 8:30 pm.
Chocolate Emporium Camp Packages
Your Choice – Tree of Knowledge Is An Approved Provider for the Jon Peterson Scholarship
16 comments Cleveland Heights to resurface its entire stretch of Mayfield Road
(Plain Dealer)
The city plans to start resurfacing its entire three-mile stretch of Mayfield Road by late this summer.
Camp Ora 2013
Amazing J.C. program for girls going into grades 6 and 7. Includes Night camp Every Tuesday night. Girls can also join just the night camp- email for details!
Camp Ora: 216-539-4520 CampOraGirls@gmail.com
Camp Ora is also looking for 2 counselors and a mother’s helper for the second half (July, August). Contact camporagirls@gmail.com, or 216- 539-4520
Cleveland Furniture and Appliance Gemach
The Gemach is getting full and has a number of items to get rid of. In particular many appliances (electric stove, dishwasher, and more) are available. A grand piano is available as well. Contact 216-321 -9393 for more details.
Sunday Open House – House for Sale Cleveland Heights 3749 Bendemeer Road
Highland Heights will host FREECYCLE, E-Waste Drive recycling events June 23
(Sun Press)
The Highland Heights Green Task Force is sponsoring a combined FREECYCLE/E-Waste Drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 23 at the Highland Heights Community Park, 5905 Wilson Mills Road.
There is no residency requirement to take part.
Virtual Schoolhouse – Is Your Child Struggling With School?
Join the Earliest Daf in town.
Maseches Pesachim starts this Shabbos!
Are you interested in an early morning Daf Yomi shiur? Join the earliest Daf in town.
Sunday 6:30-7:15am
Monday-Friday 5:15-6:00am
Shabbos 7:30am
For more information contact: Avrohom Meystel at asmeystel@gmail.com or 216-789-0952
Connect With Telshe – HaRav Shloime Kohn, shlita
Whole Foods – Spent $75 Get $10 Just a Tweet and an AMEX Card
Receive a one-time $10 statement credit when you make a single purchase of $75 or more at Whole Foods Market by 06/30/13. There are quite a few steps but it may be worth. Better to try it on an account that you are not so concerned about as this will open your account to new offers from AMEX.
1) Sync your American Express card with your twitter account and get bonus savings.
2) You will need to send a Tweet using #AmexWholeFoods to add this offer to your synced American Express Card.If you are not sure how to do this, click here and the AMEX site will do it for you.
3) AMEX will Tweet you back. Click on that link to confirm.
4) Spent $75 or more at Whole Foods using the AMEX card and you will get a $10 statement credit!