Cumberland 2013 Separate Swimming Outdoor Pool Schedule
Make sure that your Cleveland Heights ID Card is current. Must be renewed annually.
Its official! Cleveland Heights INCREASES separate swim days! Separate swim schedule:
Men Only…………Sunday, July 21 6:30 – 8:00pm
Sunday, August 11 6:30 – 8:00pm
Women Only…….Sunday, June 16 6:30 – 8:00pm
Sunday, July 28 6:30 – 8:00pm
Sunday, August 4 6:30 – 8:00pm
Sunday, August 25 6:30 – 8:00pm
Cleveland Heights announces water rate increase
(Sun Press)
Acting City Manager Susanna Niermann O’Neil announced June 3 that a roughly 24 percent water rate increase is expected to boost average monthly residential bills by $7-$8.
N’shei Kehillas Bnai Torah – Rebbetzin Holly Pavlov
Telshe Yeshiva 71st Anniversary Dinner
Click here to download AD Blank >>
Your Choice – Tree of Knowledge Is An Approved Provider for the Jon Peterson Scholarship
Beachwood – UH, Shabbos of Inspiration With Harav Nosson Maimon
HaRav Nosson Maimon is a dynamic teacher, lecturer and spiritual guide. He lectures on various topics including Talmud, Halacha and Chassidus throughout the world. He is fluent in English, Hebrew and Yiddish and has hundreds of recorded lectures on the internet. He is one of the prominent scholars and disseminators of Breslov Hassidis. He was involved in an International intrigue with the US State Department and the Kremlin to save the grave of Rav Nachman during the cold war. Originally from New York he moved to Jerusalem in 1987.
At Mika’s – Graduate Makeup & Blow Special and Intensive Styling Course
- Want to look your best for graduation? Mika’s is offering a special for all graduates: Makeup & Blow out for only $35! Make your appointment today to reserve your spot! Limited space available.
- Intensive Styling Course at Mika’s Wig Boutique, June 23-July 18. Call 216.382.2954 for more information. Space is limited so please call and reserve your spot.
1 comments University Heights to activate CodeRED system
(Sun Press)
City Council voted June 3 to allow Mayor Susan Infeld to sign a contract with Energency Communications Network of Florida for its CodeRED system. The new system will allow local officials to send emergency messages via voice mail, email, text or social media.
Jews for Judaism
In response to the recent Action Alert about and increase in missionary activity in our neighborhoods, it would be a good idea to review some important resources available.
JewForJudaism is the most well-established group educating and responding to Jewish proselytizing. They offer a lot of web resources, tips on how to deal with missionaries, a speakers bureau, and a hotline offering advice in dealing with difficult situations. Their 12-Part Counter-Missionary Seminar is available for free download as well as a number of printable booklets. Let us know if you know of more.
Young Israel Donating Torah to Jews of Poland
(Cleveland Jewish News)
The congregation of Young Israel of Greater Cleveland, an Orthodox synagogue in Beachwood, is donating a Torah to the Jewish community of Poland.
The Torah will be presented to Rabbi Michaal Schudrich, chief rabbi of Poland, by representatives of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland during its mission to Warsaw, Krakow and Berlin from Wednesday, June 26, through Friday, July 5.
Senate Passed the Budget Bill With Slight Modification Only to Governor’s Voucher Proposal
Low-income kindergarteners are one step closer to having more educational opportunities next year. Despite two attempts to remove the expansion of school vouchers, the Senate passed the budget bill on Thursday with only a slight modification of the governor’s voucher proposal. Current law limits the EdChoice Scholarship program to students attending, or assigned to a low-performing public school.
Experienced Morah Forming New Playgroup in CH
Welcome to our New Wig Clearance Center!
Help Wanted: PT Office Manager
Looking to hire a part time office manager for a local health care company. The responsibilities include and are not limited to the following:
House for Sale – Cleveland Heights
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
(Update: Mrs Goldish is currently sitting in Cleveland and will get up Tue. am. Monday hours: 10-12:30, 1:30-6:00, 7:00-10:00p).
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr. Daniel Friedenreich, father of Rena Goldish. The funeral will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 12:00 pm in Queens, N.Y. Rena will return to Cleveland later in the week to sit Shiva. Details about the Shiva will follow.
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Ha’Makom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar avay’lay Tzion v’Yerushalayim.
Looking to donate a piano?
Mosdos Ohr Hatorah Elementary School Girls’ Division is in need of a piano. If anyone knows of someone who would be interested in donating a (smaller) used piano in good condition, please contact Esther Leah Greenberger at 216-321-1131 or 216-321-1547. The donation can be used as a tax deduction.
Beginner’s Yoga Workshop & Summer Schedule
Cleveland Heights House for Sale OR FOR RENT – Shannon Road
Parenting Simply Presents Jenny Krainess: Nurtured Heart Approach: Creating Inner Wealth in Every Child
What If the Answer Was Just an Internet Connection Away?
Now you can get the answers to your most pressing parenting questions, plus tips and advice to help make your family life more joyful and less stressful than you’ve ever dreamed possible. With the help of our recognized parenting experts, your family will soon be the one others look to as an example of the power of great parenting.
Join us on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 from 9-10pm Eastern time as we welcome Jenny Krainess.
Chocolate Emporium Summer Camp Field Trips
Congregation Zichron Chaim – Beginning to Write a Sefer Torah in Memory of Mrs. Charlop
Congregation Zichron Chaim invites the Entire Community to join in the Beginning of Writing a Sefer Torah in memory of Mrs. Charlop. Yavne Auditiorium, Sunday June 16, 2013 7:00 pm Mincha followed by Program. Dedication Opportunities will be available at that time. Please see attached flyer for more details.
Summer Gymnastics Lessons
Summer Gymnastics Lessons. Girls ages 3-12. See flyer for more details.
CH House for Sale-Rent & Business for Sale
Help Wanted: Federation Fiscal Specialist
The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is looking for a Fiscal Specialist. (Ed: This may be a good job for someone with administrative, bookkeeping, or similar experience but requires no advanced degrees. )
Under general supervision of the Director Fiscal Operations, provides accounting and administrative support for the fiscal department