Bikur Cholim Mishloach Manos Extravaganza Ball!
Rabbi Lazer Brody Comes to Cleveland February 19 – 20!
Batya’s Gourmet – 22 Different Dips, Assortment of Kugels, And More!!!
Asifas Hesped for Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Aizik Ausband, z”l
Ba’al Shem Tov Story Film – Gold Family Films
Local community member and film producer, Avrohom Gold of Gold Family Films has just released for public viewing a short film based on one of the stories of the Ba’al Shem Tov. Click here or on the preview below to watch >>
Halachically Speaking – Purim Costumes
Here is the newest issue of Halachically Speaking entitled “Purim Costumes”
Rabbi Lazer Brody Comes to Cleveland February 19 – 20
Celebrate Purim With Custom-made Shalach Manos from Chocolate Emporium
Purim Cards – Rena Umansky, a”h Memorial Fund
Fuchs 2nd Annual Spring Gala with Soulfarm
Join YI Beachwood For a Festive Purim Celebration
Megillah Readings in Town 5733
We are compiling a list of megillah readings in the community. Many thanks go to Gedalyah Corbett for his annual involvement in this project. Please review the following draft and either comment or email us with any changes. We are hoping to release a final version on Tue evening.
Night (Green Road area):
7:15 pm – Chabad Waxman
Bring the Holidays to Life With JLC
Help Wanted: Office PT Help
* Local Healthcare office seeking part time office help. Applicant should have experience with medical billing, Microsoft Office, Excel/Quickbooks. Conscientious, multi-tasking and detail oriented capabilities needed. Please fax resume to 866-225-8885
(LocalJewishNews continues to try to do its part to assist community members to find employment by offering free help wanted ads to community businesses and organizations. So if you have a position to fill, let us know. Check out other job offerings in our New Classifieds Section)
Blum’s – Just In Time For Pesach
February Extended Hours: Monday Feb 18- Wed Feb 20th from 10-7, Thursday Feb. 21st from 10-6, Closed Purim Sun Feb. 24th.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Yisroel Cohen, brother of Dr. Yehuda Cohen. Shiva will be at the Cohen home on 3504 Bendemeer beginning Sunday Feb 18th. Shachris (Mon-Fri) will be at 7:15am, Minchah (Mon-Fri) will be at 5:45pm. Sitting times will be open throughout the day (Mon-Fri).
Rabbi Charlop’s 5 min Telephone Conference
Dial-in Number:(949) 812-4500 Access Code:660081# If you would like a daily text message please email
Please DO NOT announce your name and please mute your phone.
N’shei Agudath Israel Musical Comedy – We’re All In This Together
Swimming Lessons For Girls
Sundays from 2:00 -4:00pm. Ages 3-12 years old. At The YMCA, 5000 Mayfield Rd.
April 7-28th, May 5th & 19th. No Lessons May 12th. $42 for the 6 week session.
Lessons given by Female Swimming Instructors – Only 5 or 6 girls per group
Each ½ hour lesson will have 3 swimming levels – Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced.
To register:
B.G. Sweets Gourment Popcorn – New for Purim!
Letter from CJN Reader: A Word About Tzedaka Before Purim
In better times I gave a fair amount of charity. $1,000.00 to Chinuch Atzmai, $1.000.00 to Square Town, $1,000.00 to Oorah, $1,000 a year to each Yeshiva that I went to. Then there was $100.00 to the average meshulach.
Times were good and I had plenty of money. I spent the money on glamorous charities who gave me alot of Kovod in exchange for donations and had exciting promotions. I only once gave Matan B’Seyser a check, that was for four hundred dollars.
Brachos of Fiber One, Pringles, Craisins, Corn Cakes, and Granola Bars
It could be said that one is not intruding into the life of another if, out of care and concern, he would like to aid another perform a Mitzvah properly. As one example, we provided cases where the bracha over an item is not well known and one should feel comfortable mentioning this fact and double-checking that his fellow is about to make the correct bracha. A reader commented that the bracha on several of the foods that we noted, is in fact, the subject of dispute among authorities. Accordingly, we provide our most recent brief notes on the brachos at hand:
A. Fiber One. The OU, which gives the Hashgacha on Fiber One cereal, has determined that the proper brachos on this cereal are Mezonos and Al HaMichya. We note that the original determination as to Fiber One was that its bracha was a Shehakol, but that position changed over a year ago [we do not know whether this was due to a change in the constitution of the product].
Purim Costume Shatnez Warning
The Luach Davar B’Ito reminds all that Purim costumes (especially hats from Eastern Europe) may contain Shatnez, and accordingly should be checked in advance of Purim to make sure that the costume is usable. Renting a costume may prove difficult if one is not able to partially open it up to inspect for shatnez. The Luach also advises against costumes that can scare others and also reminds parents to double-check the wearability of a child’s costume to avoid last minute disappointment that the costume does not fit or falls apart.