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News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
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Compare and Save with Your Trusted Agent, Since 1983, KOZUCH INSURANCE SERVICES. 216-397-5890.
In the upcoming University Heights Mayoral Election, there is one trait that should be at the top of everyone’s list when considering whom to vote for, and that is experience. Only one candidate, the incumbent, Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan, has the experience and vision necessary to lead University Heights through the crucial four years ahead.
During his first term in office, Mayor Brennan has worked hard to bring new business to University Heights, spearheaded development of a new housing development on the city’s western border, worked with the The Mikveh Association, during their building process, closely cooperated with Congregation Zichron Chaim on their construction-plans to ease its approval by the planning commission, and launched a process to redevelop University Square that is one-step from being signed-off on. Under Mayor Brennan’s leadership, he has instituted new means of communication between the Mayor’s office and residents, and he has worked hard to ensure transparency of the city government and its functions.
Mayor Brennan has restored the city’s finances, successfully guiding it through the challenge of the pandemic, and rebuilt trust between the city government and the fire department.
Politically-expedient accusations and grandstanding aside, Mayor Brennan has been an effective, open, and honest leader, who has always been an unquestionable friend to the Jewish residents of University Heights. We need Mayor Brennan’s experience and approach to ensure a bright future for University Heights, and that’s why I encourage you to join me in voting to re-elect Mayor Brennan on November 2.
Shawn M. Fink
Save the Date! Jewish Learning Connection will be celebrating its thirty-third anniversary with a Community Shabbos, December 18 Parshas Vayechi. Scholar-in-Residence for the weekend will be Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, noted author and speaker on Torah Anytime. Details to follow.
On October 23rd the voters of Beachwood found a vicious smear against our candidates in their mailboxes. These slanderous lies need to be exposed.
“All our dollars and efforts are local Beachwood. The out of towners have no clue about us or
our local schools and taxes…. ”
“I attended a rally on January 6. I did not enter any buildings. Lies of this sort are meant to
distract voters from the critically important issues facing our children.”
– Valerie Charms Mason
“I am not opposed to vaccines. As an individual, I am fully vaccinated, as are my children.
Throughout my professional career I have been a vocal advocate for vaccines in the prevention
of disease. Currently, the Beachwood School Board is deliberating a “Vax or Test” proposal,
which I support. Similarly, the schools’ COVID mask policy, updated in August, is well-thought out and sensible.”
“This horrible ad carries the mark of very dark out of state money, smearing without any regard to facts…”
– Dr. Miriam Weiss
“I think someone overheard me telling a story from my childhood in France.”
“Unbelievable lies. Shocking how immature.”
– Kareen Caputo
On October 23rd the voters of Beachwood found a vicious smear against our candidates in their mailboxes. These slanderous lies need to be exposed.
“All our dollars and efforts are local Beachwood. The out of towners have no clue about us or
our local schools and taxes…. ”
“I attended a rally on January 6. I did not enter any buildings. Lies of this sort are meant to
distract voters from the critically important issues facing our children.”
– Valerie Charms Mason
“I am not opposed to vaccines. As an individual, I am fully vaccinated, as are my children.
Throughout my professional career I have been a vocal advocate for vaccines in the prevention
of disease. Currently, the Beachwood School Board is deliberating a “Vax or Test” proposal,
which I support. Similarly, the schools’ COVID mask policy, updated in August, is well-thought out and sensible.”
“This horrible ad carries the mark of very dark out of state money, smearing without any regard to facts…”
– Dr. Miriam Weiss
“I think someone overheard me telling a story from my childhood in France.”
“Unbelievable lies. Shocking how immature.”
– Kareen Caputo
A 40 year old father of 7 was stricken with cancer r”l and as a result is now experiencing liver failure. He was running a successful sales business which has been on hold for the last 2 years as he fights for his life. The crushing financial situation is taking a toll on his young family.
Please extend a hand to this family so that financial worry does not exacerbate this unfortunate situation. Your generous donation will enable this family to function as normally as possible under these trying circumstances.
Please daven for Moshe ben Rivka Leah.
Thank you,
Chaim Reiss
Note: This person grew up in Cleveland and his parents, who are beloved in the community, have been living in New York for the last few months to assist. You can reach out to me for further details at
Please say Tehillim for AVIVA MALKA BAS LEAH.
May we be zocheh to hear b’soros tovos b’korov!
(View the entire Cleveland Community Tehillim List.)