Fall Cemetery Cleanup, August 29th
Cleveland Chizuk Retreat Mini Mission, September 12th
Visit www.chizukmission.com/cleveland for more information.
Davida Schultz Realtor
Fall Cemetery Cleanup, August 29th
Fall Cemetery Cleanup, August 29th
COVID19 Vaccine Letter from Rabbi Hirschfeld and Dr. Pollack
With Covid-19 case numbers on the rise again, we feel compelled, as members of the Bikur Cholim leadership team, to reach out and share our thoughts regarding the current situation. Jewish Cleveland can and should take an active role in preserving the health of our community.
As Yidden, we have long enjoyed certain freedoms, including davening in shuls and celebrating Yomim Tovim with family and friends.
Covid-19 threatens these very freedoms.
We see the vaccines as one of the strongest deterrents we have to curb the current spike in cases and to reduce hospitalizations and loss of life. Acting now may also help prevent the development of future variants and additional suffering.
The vaccines, which were developed using accepted scientific methods and have been endorsed by the FDA and CDC, have been proven safe and effective. Halacha obligates us to embrace established scientific practices that contribute to the well-being of all. It is considered a mitzvah to get vaccinated. This is supported by Gedolim and Rabbonim who guide Bikur Cholim in their activities.
We know these are difficult and stressful times for our community, and we want to remind you that Bikur Cholim is here for you to ease your healthcare burden.
K’Siva V’Chasmia Tova,
Boruch Hirschfeld
Rabbi, Congregation Ahavas Yisroel
Rabbinic Advisor, Bikur Cholim of Cleveland
Michael (Meir) Pollack, MD
President, Bikur Cholim of Cleveland
Mazal Tov from Heights Hats!
Bar Mitzvah season is here!
Heights Hats wishes special Mazel Tov to
- Yosef Chaim Cohen
- Zev Garfinkel
- Meir Zelig Simon
- Moshe Rozen
- Refoel Weisman
- Chananel Yeganeh
WOW!! You all look amazing in your new HEIGHTS HAT!
Transfrom Your Day with V’hegisa Learning Program
Cleveland Chizuk Retreat Mini Mission, September 12th
Visit www.chizukmission.com/cleveland for more information.
JFX Yom Tov Neitz Minyan
JFX will be hosting a Neitz minyan for both days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at JFX, 2200 S. Green Rd.
On all 3 days, Shachris will begin at 6:15am. (Neitz is: 6:59am on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, 7:00am on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, and 7:08am on Yom Kippur.)
There is no charge to attend. However, all donations towards our JFX building fund are greatly appreciated.
Rsvp to shua@jfxcle.org
Baal Koreh and Baal Tokeah needed for these Neitz Minyanim.
Transfrom Your Day with V’hegisa Learning Program
Davida Schultz Realtor
Transfrom Your Day with V’hegisa Learning Program
Transfrom Your Day with V’hegisa Learning Program
Davida Schultz Realtor
Davida Schultz Realtor
- Watch this video to see why this race is so important: https://youtu.be/
1Ow7YYAzrRU - Polls open 6:30 am – 7:30 pm. Find your precinct at JewVote.org
- You must request a Democratic Ballot. This can be done regardless of what party you affiliate with.
- There will be a very low voter turnout. The frum community WILL be the difference!
For All Your Real Estate Needs!
Harav Kosman Shlita is in Cleveland Taking Appointments
Dede is Back in Town! Book Now!
The Election Is Now Through Tuesday August 3.
- Watch this video to see why this race is so important: https://youtu.be/1Ow7YYAzrRU
- You must request a Democratic Ballot. This can be done regardless of what party you affiliate with.
- Election Day is Tuesday, August 3, 6:30 am – 7:30 pm. Find your precinct at JewVote.org
- Mail-In Ballots must be postmarked no later than Monday, August 2
- Early voting at the Board of Elections until Monday, August 2. See the times at JewVote.org
- There will be a very low voter turnout. The frum community WILL be the difference!
Next Chizuk Mission Cleveland Rosh Chodesh Series, August 3rd
CB’s Shuk Open Hours this Week
CB’s Shuk Sale this Week!
Harav Kosman Shlita is in Cleveland Taking Appointments
The Election Is Now Through Tuesday August 3.
- Watch this video to see why this race is so important: https://youtu.be/1Ow7YYAzrRU
- You must request a Democratic Ballot. This can be done regardless of what party you affiliate with.
- Election Day is Tuesday, August 3, 6:30 am – 7:30 pm. Find your precinct at JewVote.org
- Mail-In Ballots must be postmarked no later than Monday, August 2
- Early voting at the Board of Elections until Monday, August 2. See the times at JewVote.org
- There will be a very low voter turnout. The frum community WILL be the difference!
Susan’s Suggestions for the Elections; VITAL Tuesday, August 3, PRIMARY
Ask for a DEMOCRAT BALLOT and VOTE SHONTEL BROWN Congressional District 11!
If you are a Democrat and even if you are a Republican, ask for a Democrat Ballot and Vote Shontel Brown
Why should I do that if I prefer Republicans? And what about my voter registration?
The answer is that in November, when the winner of this Democrat primary runs off against the Republican, Laverne Gore, all conventional wisdom says that the winner of the Democrat primary is a shoe-in to be elected. The reason is that this is a Democrat district by design, read gerrymandered, no Republican has won since Voinovich in the 80s. In fact, in the last similar primary, the Republican did not even get 20% of the vote. In November, you can support Laverne Gore. Right now, it’s important to VOTE SHONTEL BROWN, for the following reasons:
Shontel Brown is a moderate Democrat who supports Israel – funding and self-defense, in contrast to Nina Turner – a Bernie Sanders Progressive opponent – who openly sides with Ilhan Omar and Occasio Cortez and the Sqaud echoing their anti-Semitic language, calling for an end to arms sales to Israel, and using pro terrorist, pro BDS rhetoric.
Religious freedoms are another reason. Shontel Brown has been an active Democrat in the local party for years and has experience holding office including reaching across the aisle. She has developed ties to members of our community. Those ties mean that we can hope for meaningful responses should we need to call on our representative. We can only imagine how her opponent’s extreme views will be applied to healthcare and the potential for non-halachic mandates in Bris or end of life matters. Or social reforms. To have someone who respects our religious positions in office instead of the derision we could expect from her opponent is huge.
As a Bernie/Squad acolyte, her opponent believes in an aggressive progressive agenda that proudly calls itself Socialist, advocating for the same policies that lead to poverty and failure in the countries that adopt it. Progressives from all over the country have poured funding into this election in the hopes of swinging Congress to their point of view. Out of district funding should always be a red flag. Shontel is way behind in fundraising because of this, but is ahead in support in the area where she is well respected and closing the gap in the polls. Latest polls show them tied. Our district includes Akron, but Brown’s base in mostly in Cuyahoga County. All this means it may be a very close race. Every vote we can get counts.
In order to vote for Shontel Brown you must ask for a Democrat ballot either by mail application or in person. It will change your registration to Democrat, but you can change it back at the next partisan primary.
Bonus if you live in Cleveland Heights: The next primary is only one month away, and support for Melody Hart for Mayor of Cleveland Heights is gearing up. On September 14th there will be the first ever mayoral primary with four candidates running. Again, this will be an important primary choosing the top two vote getters to run off against each other in November. Of the four, two are more progressive while two are moderate. Because local elections are non-partisan, the same candidates will appear on Republican, Democrat and Non-Partisan ballots alike, so your registration for the August 3rd primary will not affect your ability to select your preferred candidate for Mayor in the September primary. If you plan to vote by mail and live in Cleveland Heights, request all three ballots at the same time now: Special Aug 3 Congressional Primary, Special Mayoral Cleveland Heights Primary on Sept 14, and the General Election in November. To do so, each request must be separate. Do not combine the requests onto one form; use three.
For now, I can’t emphasize the importance enough: VOTE SHONTEL BROWN!
Davida Schultz Realtor
CB’s Shuk Sale this Week!
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