The Hebrew Academy of Cleveland is looking for an office manager, full and part time secretaries to join our expanding team in our new campus.
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News, Info & Resources for the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish Community
The Hebrew Academy of Cleveland is looking for an office manager, full and part time secretaries to join our expanding team in our new campus.
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Lower elementary, middle school and high school positions
Teachers’ license or BA required
Afternoon session
Teacher aides and substitute teacher positions
License and BA not required
Afternoon session
Afternoon secretarial positions
Work in a growth oriented environment focusing on student achievement. Experience a plus.
The Hebrew Academy of Cleveland is looking for an office manager, full and part time secretaries to join our expanding team in our new campus.
Please send resumes to
Join our Night Seder at 4458 Groveland every night from 8:15 to 9:45! To learn Daf HaYomi B’Chavrusa call Rabbi E. Saks 216-965-4216 or to learn Sugyos 815 or 845 to 945 call Rabbi Y. Berger 845-608-0589. Beginning soon Rebbi Elazar D’milah, the 19th perek in Maseches Shabbos. Maariv at 9:45.
To view the incredible prize packages and order your tickets visit us at
Lower elementary, middle school and high school positions
Teachers’ license or BA required
Afternoon session
Teacher aides and substitute teacher positions
License and BA not required
Afternoon session
Afternoon secretarial positions
Work in a growth oriented environment focusing on student achievement. Experience a plus.
To view the incredible prize packages and order your tickets visit us at
Dear family and friends,
With broken hearts we are writing about the loss of our very dear and precious son-in-law Reb Yehuda Yosef Hakohen ZT”L (of Detroit) ben Lihibodel L’chaim Tovim Reb Usher Anshel
Hakohen Kranczer.
We are left with a hole in our family and a hole in our hearts. Yehuda (Yudel) was loved by and touched everyone who knew him.
How many Mailos our son-in-law had! We could write volumes. We could tell you about his learning Daf Yomi 8 times every day with eight different people. We could tell you about his endless Chesed. We could tell you about how he was so respectful to us, his in-laws. Whenever we called him, he was available. He always had time to talk to us.
We could tell you how he never ate dessert because of the loss of the Bais Hamikdosh. The Churban was so real to him. When he would duchen, he used to yell B’ahavah so loud that Mispallilim jumped from their seats.
What we want to talk about though was Yehuda’s speech, or should we say the lack of it. He never wanted to talk about mundane topics. He made a Taanis Dibur every Tisha B’av and Yom Kippur. He was careful not to use words that hurt and many times, he just kept quiet. Shmiras Haloshon was part of the very essence of his life.
The holy Chofetz Chaim wrote that to correct the sin that destroyed the Bais Hamikdosh, we have to watch our mouths and not talk Loshon Hora and Rechilus.Oh, did Yehuda want to see the Bais Hamikdosh . How he wanted to do the Avodah in the Bais Hamikdosh. He was preparing himself by learning the Dinim that the Kohanim have to know.
With the full support of Yehuda’s parents, our entire Kranczer/Wilner family would like to create “Hugs for Yudel” l’zecher nishmaso.
Please join us. It’s basically a Machsom L’fi.
Sign up by e-mail at for any one hour time slot from 6AM to 12AM every day to speak only words of Loshon Tov, holy words, words that don’t hurt people, and words that give Hashem Nachas. Please send us your name, your city and the hour you commit for. This will bring Yehuda much comfort and surely the whole family. A friend of Yehuda told us that, when Yehuda would overhear him lash out to anyone, Yehuda would say to him “ERASE THE HATE”. This became one of his slogans.
Anyone who would like to learn two Halochos of Shmiras Haloshon a day to ensure that what is spoken is correct, can buy a Sefer on this subject at any Jewish Hebrew Book store. With all the
people that will hopefully join our group, Yehuda should be the catalyst that should tip the scales and bring Moshiach closer.
With all the outpouring of love for Yehuda ZT”L and his family, we would like to thank you for all of your love and care that you have sent their way.
May no one have to go through this Tzaar and pain again and may we all greet Moshiach very soon.
On behalf of the whole family,
Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Wilner
Etta Winer will be sitting shiva for her father, Dr. Bernard Kabakow, Baruch ben Zvi Hersh Z”L, in New York starting this Monday afternoon. She can be reached by phone at 216-513-4680, 347-677-0572, or email at
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
To view the incredible prize packages and order your tickets visit us at
The Hebrew Academy of Cleveland is looking for an office manager, full and part time secretaries to join our expanding team in our new campus.
Please send resumes to