Would you like to join something exciting and new? Join Our Vaad Avoda Mussar Vaad!
There is a weekly Vaad separately for men and women going on for over a year given by Rabbi Yehuda Cahan.
This Vaad class/shiur is between 10-12 minutes long and is sent to the respective WhatsApp groups. Every week it’s on a different topic/avoda with a short daily exercise for the coming week.
Although the exercise takes only a few seconds per day the participants clearly feel a change and growth in their relationship to Hashem, to their fellow Jew, and to themselves (in their middos or character traits).
The new group will start be”H Thursday, 29 Shvat, February 8 (people can always join).
To join and/or to find out more about this beautiful program please WhatsApp or call 216-406-5050 (men) or 216-513-2200 (women).