Lead and assistant teachers. For more info contact Chemda Jacobs 216-321-6937 / 216-381-3900 or send resume to morahchemda@torahnursery.com
Updated Shiva Information
Updated: Mrs. Cohen will be traveling to Detroit on Thursday and not available for visitation here. On Friday the hours are from 10-1pm. There will not be hours for Motzei Shabbos.
Mrs. Eva Cohen will be sitting Shiva for her late sister, Kaila Pulter ob”m, of Oak park, Michigan.
Shiva hours are 10am until 7:30pm at 3504 Bendemeer Road, Cleveland Heights, until Sunday night.
She may be reached at 216-932-7411.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Back for Our 7th Year! Enjoy Pesach In Luxury With Midwest Passover at the Bertram Inn!
Tax and Accounting Services. Also offering Employee Retention Credit Services.
Email: mordechai@mzimbergcpa.com
Bais Eliyahu V’Esther Raffle!
Visit https://baiseliyahu.com.
Advanced Behavioral Therapy is Hiring
Rescheduled: Chaviva High School Virtual Parent Information Session, Tuesday, February 14th
Purim Costume Gemach, Sunday, February 12th
Prime Location University Heights Home For Sale!
CB’s Shuk Open Hours
Hebrew Academy First Annual Dine2Donate Restaurant Week
Rav Blum’s Matzah
Order hand-made shemurah (chaburah) matzah baked primarily in the Pupa/Tzailem Matzah and Satmar Matzah bakeries in New York.
These thin and delicious matzos are baked fresh shortly before Pesach for the Cleveland community by HaRav Yehudah Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim in Cleveland Heights, and his chashuvah B’nei Torah Chaburah and are sold at cost price.
Doria Art Studio Art Classes Spring Semester! Ladies Paint Nights!
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
A Gift For Your Marriage with Mrs. Debbie Selengut, February 8th
Rav Blum’s Matzah
Order hand-made shemurah (chaburah) matzah baked primarily in the Pupa/Tzailem Matzah and Satmar Matzah bakeries in New York.
These thin and delicious matzos are baked fresh shortly before Pesach for the Cleveland community by HaRav Yehudah Blum Shlita of Khal Yereim in Cleveland Heights, and his chashuvah B’nei Torah Chaburah and are sold at cost price.
Doria Art Studio Art Classes Spring Semester! Ladies Paint Nights!
Camp Chaverim 2023!
Visit chaverimovernight.com.
JECC Position Openings
Bais Eliyahu V’Esther Raffle!
Visit https://baiseliyahu.com.
L’Iluy Nishmas Ben Chafetz
More than anything, Ben Chafetz was a giver.
For Ben, giving charity wasn’t just a mitzvah; it was a responsibility that defined him. It was a way of life.
Daily Giving represents so much of what Ben stood for. That’s why Daily Giving worked with his family to make this video in memory of their father—to encourage people to give a dollar every day in his zchus.
Tragically, Ben passed away on Thursday, January 19. While his family, friends, and community mourn, we remember him as a living example of how even the smallest kindness can make a world of difference.
The Chafetz family and Daily Giving together invite you become a Daily Giver in Ben’s name to give his neshama an aliyah, honor his legacy, and give his family comfort. Visit dailygiving.org/rememberben.
View the video at 613tube.com/watch/?v=yEpjltl6J0E.
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr. Dudy David, father of Adina Soclof.
The funeral was in New York. Adina will be sitting shiva at her home, 4470 University Parkway, on Tuesday, February 7.
Shiva hours are 9am to 12 noon and 4-8pm.
Maariv minyan on Tuesday is at 6pm.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Freyda Berger, mother of Rabbi Yaakov Berger.
Rabbi Berger is sitting Shiva through Wednesday morning, Feb. 8th, in Brooklyn at 318 Ave. F.
- Shacharis: 7:30am
- Mincha: 4:30pm
- Maariv: 6:30pm
He can be reached at 845-608-0589.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
CB’s Shuk Open Hours
Creative Chocolates for Purim!
Dan Will Get it Done!
Have you made a to-do list but have no time to work on it? Call Dan at 216-324-7958 and I will get it done professionally and at a reasonable cost! Act now and receive 25% off!
Bais Eliyahu V’Esther Raffle!
Visit https://baiseliyahu.com.
Camp Chaverim 2023!
Visit chaverimovernight.com.
Rescheduled: Chaviva High School Virtual Parent Information Session, Tuesday, February 14th
Hebrew Academy First Annual Dine2Donate Restaurant Week
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