Mazal tov to Yoey & Rena Feigenbaum, parents, and Meshullam & Elene Feigenbaum, grandparents, on the birth of a baby boy!
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy!
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy!
Mazal Tov Levines! It’s a Boy!
Mazal tov to Yudi and Chana Levine on the birth of a boy!
Mazal Tov Maimon Family! It’s a Boy!
Mazal tov to Rabbi Tzvi and Sulcha Maimon on the birth of a boy!
Mazal Tov Elbaz’s! It’s a Boy!
Mazal tov to Avi and Ayala Elbaz on the birth of a boy! Mazal tov to the grandparents Elie and Miriam Elbaz and to great grandmother Mrs. Joseph Diller!
Mazal Tov Cohens! It’s a Boy!
Mazal tov to Chaim and Rivka Cohen on the birth of a son!
Mazal tov! It’s a Boy! – Strauss
Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Aaron Strauss on the birth of a baby boy.
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy! – Browns
Mazal Tov to Rafi and Shani Brown on the birth of a baby boy! Mazal tov to Mrs. Elaine Brown!
Mazal Tov Solowitch Family! It’s a Boy!
Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Solowitch on the birth of a baby boy and to the grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Solowitch. The Shalom Zachor will take place after 9:00 pm at 2416 Bromley Road.
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy! – Berger
Mazal Tov to Moshe and Amira Berger on the birth of a boy! Mazal Tov to Dr. Brian and Gill Wolovitz and to Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai and Debbi Berger.
Mazal Tov! It’s a boy! – Kagarlitskiy
Mazel tov to Boris and Rachel Kagarlitskiy on the birth of a boy!
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy! – Tesler
Mazal tov to Nachum & Yael Tesler on the birth of a boy! Mazal tov to Harry & Marcy Tesler and to Zev & Leah Kushner!
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy! – Gutman
Mazal tov to Motty and Deborah Gutman on the birth of a boy! Mazal tov to Jack and Sarah Gutman!
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy! – Greenblatt
Mazal tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avraham Baruch Greenblatt on the birth of a boy!
Mazal Tov! It’s a Boy! – Schottenstein
Mazal tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Schottenstein on the birth of a son. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Schottenstein.