This Week! 3rd Annual Ladies Night out to Benefit Tomchei Shabbos!
Rabbi Ari Wolf to Deliver Invocation at RNC
(, selections below)
Rabbi Ari Wolf, a police chaplain in Cleveland, Ohio, has been selected to deliver an invocation at the opening of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Monday, Juy 18th at 1:05pm.
Rabbi Wolf is a talmid of Telshe Yeshiva and a respected ben Torah and askan. He is a beloved member of the Cleveland kehillah, a humble public servant who has expended time and effort for the betterment of the community and in particular his focus on the daily needs of the Telshe Yeshiva and Cleveland Heights community.
It will take place today at 1:05pm. An archive of the invocation can be watched with this link.
(Editor: an archive of the invocation can be viewed here
{Gavriel Newscenter}
Hillel finds new home at CWRU

(Cleveland Jewish News)
Jan. 11 marked the first day of spring semester for students at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. It also served as the official opening day for the Albert and Norma Geller Hillel Student Center at CWRU.
The building, at 11303 Euclid Ave., sits in front of the old Hillel location. The 12,720-square-foot space will serve as the home to roughly 1,200 Jewish students who are members of Hillel at CWRU.
Brooklyn-based NGKS Marketing to bring NY-Style Kosher Shopping to Cleveland

(JP News Desk)(Ed: I am not familiar with this website and therefore cannot share this here with absolute certainty but since this a potential big story we can let the readers make their own evaluations.)
New York has seen a plethora of openings of mega-supermarkets that cater to the Kosher market. Now, a group of investors from Brooklyn has decided to bring the concept to Cleveland.
NGKS Marketing has paid $700,000 for a property upon which they will be building a 20,000 square foot supermarket.
New Westlake Jewish center to host High Holiday services in September
(Westlake Bay Village Observer)(Ed: Now OPEN! Chabad of the West Side!)
The local Jewish population has a new place to congregate with the opening of a Jewish center in Westlake, serving the western suburbs of Cleveland. “Chabad of the West Side” is now in operation, featuring Jewish education for adults and children, and Jewish cultural and social events.
“We are ecstatic about this new milestone,” says Rabbi Mendel Jacobs, who will be directing the center along with his wife, Devorah.
Recording of The Funeral of Basya Rivka Berkovich, a”h
So many people in Cleveland and around the world were inspired by the story of Basya Rivka Berkovich, a”h.
With permission from the family, we are proud to share a recording of her funeral for those who were not able to attend or for those who wish to hear the inspiring life-changing thoughts shared by those who spoke about her special life. May her memory be for a blessing.
[Read more…]
Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe
(Cleveland Jewish News)(This article has a nice summary of the history of Chabad Worldwide and Cleveland. Sorry this was published after the yahrtzeit.)
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is widely considered the most influential rabbi in modern history.
As his 20th yahrzeit approaches, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement remains vibrant, thanks to Schneerson’s vision, said Rabbi Leibel Alevsky, Chabad regional director and executive director of Chabad of Cleveland, based in Beachwood.
Most day schools see growth pattern
(Cleveland Jewish News)
Four Jewish day schools experienced increased student enrollment this year. More students are attending Gross Schechter Day School, which is Conservative, and the Cleveland area’s three Orthodox Schools: Fuchs Mizrachi School, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland and Mosdos Ohr Hatorah.
Holocaust survivors’ stories are vital for all: Regina Brett
(Plain Dealer)
CLEVELAND, Ohio — It happens every time. The room filled with teenagers grows silent as soon as a survivor speaks.
Holocaust survivor Jacob Hennenberg used to tell students how he found hope in the camps in the tattoo the Nazis engraved on his arm. The numbers 64242 added up to 18, which in Hebrew stands for “life.” Jacob decided that meant he would live.
Bonei Olam Cleveland – An Evening of Hope & Inspiration
Bonei Olam Cleveland – An Evening of Hope & Inspiration
Don’t Miss Lori Palatnik’s Return to Cleveland
Don’t Miss Lori Palatnik’s Return to Cleveland
Don’t Miss Lori Palatnik’s Return to Cleveland
Watch Out for the Deadly Knockout Game
A few weeks ago a Jewish teenager was riding his bike on E. Antisdale in South Euclid and for “no reason” a teen on the street hit him flat in the face. The teen was surrounded by other youths with backpacks who just looked on. The Jewish kid recovered consciousness and could not recall what happened. At the time it seemed just a random event but recently news stories have indicated that it may be part of a new and very dangerous crime trend. At this point, this is the only incident affecting the Cleveland Jewish community to our knowledge.
[Read more…]
Cleveland to add red-light cameras; fixed units to go from 23 to 49, mobile from six to 15
(Plain Dealer)
While state lawmakers consider banning controversial traffic-enforcement cameras, the city of Cleveland plans on adding them to 26 more intersections — doubling the number of cameras that ticket thousands of motorists every year. Cleveland City Council approved a contract Monday with red-light camera vendor Xerox State & Local Solutions Inc., for as many as four years, with three one-year options to renew.
Greater Cleveland’s urban scene gets a boost from young adults moving in
New to Northeast Ohio in 2010, Rachael Ng rented an apartment across from the mall in Beachwood. But as she came to know her way around town, she quickly joined the migration path of her tribe.
“I have a lot of friends who live downtown,” explained Ng (pronounced “Ing”), a 27-year-old pharmacist for the Cleveland Clinic. “A lot of us hang out on Coventry, too. I wanted something in the center of all that.”
So she moved to University Circle, on the border of Cleveland and Cleveland Heights, and added her energy to a new and potentially potent population pattern.