LocalJewishNews Cleveland Gemach List – UPDATED
(UPDATED) Local Jewish News is pleased to share our new Cleveland Gemach list with the community. This project was originally undertaken at the suggestion of a dear member of our community, Ahuva bas Avraham a”h. Thanks to all who sent in their gemach info. Please send any additions or updates to hfeinstein613@gmail.com.
LocalJewishNews Cleveland Gemach List – Shana Tovah! – UPDATED
(UPDATED) Local Jewish News is pleased to share our new Cleveland Gemach List with the community. This project was originally undertaken at the suggestion of a dear member of our community, Ahuva bas Avraham a”h. Thanks to all who sent in their gemach info. Please send any additions or updates to hfeinstein613@gmail.com.
Wishing everyone a Shana Tovah – A Good Happy Healthy New Year!! Kesiva v’chasima tova!! (And remember: eruv tavshilin!)
The Uniform Exchange – Cleaning for Pesach?
The Uniform Exchange – Cleaning for Pesach?
Seeking Cleveland Gemachs to Add to Comprehensive List
This is something that a cholah in our community had intended to undertake, and that we are undertaking on her behalf as a zechus for her refuah sheleima. If you have a gemach, please email Chana Feinstein at hfeinstein613@gmail.com with a brief description of your gemach, and your contact info. If you prefer that your gemach not appear online, please let me know.
Thank you, and tizku l’mitzvos!
Seeking Cleveland Gemachs to Add to Comprehensive List
This is something that a cholah in our community had intended to undertake, and that we are undertaking on her behalf as a zechus for her refuah sheleima. If you have a gemach, please email Chana Feinstein at hfeinstein613@gmail.com with a brief description of your gemach, and your contact info. If you prefer that your gemach not appear online, please let me know.
Thank you, and tizku l’mitzvos!